Cohen, Emanuel, Moses, Seixas Family Papers Collection"The Cohen, Emanuel, Moses, Seixas Family Papers collection consists of correspondence, diaries and narratives, and photographs created by and related to the Cohen, Emanuel, Moses and Seixas family members, prominent Jewish families from South Carolina. Notable in the collection is the diary of Eleanor H. Cohen Seixas which documents General William Tecumseh Sherman’s raid on Columbia, S.C. during the United States Civil War and an account of her family’s experience following the end of the war. Also of note in the collection is a letter from Solomon Emanuel to his mother describing a “sham Battle of General Hardees Corps,” as well as several cabinet card and carte de visite style portraits of various members of the Cohen, Emanuel, Moses, and Seixas families. The physical collection includes several memoirs from members of the Moses family and assorted genealogical materials relating to the Cohen, Moses, Emanuel, and Seixas families."