Nehemiah Denton Papers (University of Alabama)"The collection contains letters to and from Denton regarding business matters, as well as various documents and maps relating to his business in Mobile. Agricola Wilkins, acting as Denton's agent, wrote a significant portion of the letters, which describe both Wilkins's and Denton's business endeavors in Mobile. After Wilkins left Mobile in 1840, other individuals assumed the role of agent for Denton and continued the correspondence regarding his Mobile property. In addition to shedding light on Denton's business affairs in Mobile, the letters in this collection provide lively and detailed descriptions of life in Mobile in the 1830s and 1840s, when the cotton market dominated the city's financial landscape. Letters also include descriptions of yellow fever outbreaks and destructive fires in Mobile, a steamboat journey from Mobile to Wetumpka, Alabama, and frontier life in Pontotoc, Mississippi. "