"Provides information on the lawsuit filed against the Hamilton Manufacturing Co. by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Complaint against the Lowell, Massachusetts firm for having a woman work in its factory for more than 60 hours a week; The relevant statute; Arguments of the plaintiff and the defendant; More information."
An online image-based collection of law and law-related materials. It includes law journals, the CFR, English Reports, Federal Register, Treaties and Agreements, Legislative history, a US Presidential Library and more.
"An Act to further regulate interstate commerce and foreign commerce by prohibiting the transportation therein for immoral purposes of women and girls, and for other purposes."
June 25, 1910
"Presents the text of Minor v. Happersett, an 1874 United States Supreme Court ruling which dealt with a woman in Missouri wishing to vote under a provision of the Fourteenth Amendment. Details of the case; Ruling of the court."
"Presents the text of Muller v. Oregon, a 1908 United States Supreme Court case regarding the constitutionality of state labor laws restricting the working hours of women. Issues in the case; Ruling of the court."
"In the first trimester of pregnancy, the state may not regulate the abortion decision; only the pregnant woman and her attending physician can make that decision. In the second trimester, the state may impose regulations on abortion that are reasonably related to maternal health. In the third trimester, once the fetus reaches the point of “viability,” a state may regulate abortions or prohibit them entirely, so long as the laws contain exceptions for cases when abortion is necessary to save the life or health of the mother."
"Presents the text of the United States Sheppard-Towner Act of 1921. Legislation regarding federal assistance for women and infants; Provisions of the act."
Copy of the Title IX amendment from the Department of Justice. The site also provides access to additional information such as the Title IX Legal Manual and links to other government agencies with related information.
"... consists of pamphlets ranging in date from the late 1600s to the late 1800s. Trial pamphlets are contemporary accounts of trials that involved prominent citizens or that dealt with especially controversial or lurid topics. These pamphlets were produced quickly and inexpensively, and then sold on the street soon after the trial to a mass audience. The paper used to print the pamphlets was of a lower quality (ephemera) and the pamphlets were not bound. Thus, the pamphlets were not meant to survive much past their initial use. The content of the individual pamphlets varies widely. "
Book Sources: Law - American Women
A selection of books/e-books available in Trible Library.
Click the title for location and availability information.
Hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Third Congress, second session, on the implementation of the Violence Against Women Act provisions of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (Public Law 103-322), September 29, 1994.
Suggested terms to look for include - diary, diaries, letters, papers, documents, documentary or correspondence.
Combine these these terms with the event or person you are researching. (example: civil war diary)
Also search by subject for specific people and events, then scan the titles for those keywords or others such as memoirs, autobiography, report, or personal narratives.
An additional option is to do a search on a topic and use the "Resource Type" limiter on the left side of the results and choose the option "Primary Sources" - please note this is extremely limiting as most primary source materials are not marked in records with this resource type and you will miss seeing a large number of useful items.