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COMM 232: Communicating Through Digital Technology: Evolution

Danielle M. Stern, Summer 2024
colorful images of symbols of various social media such as facebook, instagram

The use of technology to promote, disseminate, express, and share content through words, images and video.


outer limits opening words
images of social media past and present
the future robots, virtual reality, artificial intelligence


Scholarly Research

Trible Library Research Databases with link

  • Use these to to find articles on the evolution of digital and social media
  • Use the limit features by checking the boxes such as Scholarly Articles or Peer Reviewed (depending on the database)
  • You can also limit by date ranges if you want to concentrate on articles from a certain time period
  • Advanced search options can be helpful if you are getting to many results - explore the choices in each database
  • If your topic branches out to communication in areas such as business or history, databases from those topic areas may also be helpful
  • Remember - limiting to full-text can be great, but just because the full-text isn't in the database you are using doesn't mean you can't get it!


Stumped on where to start? Try these ideas!

"social media history"

"digital media history"

communication AND "social media"

communication AND "digital media"

"social media" AND (evolution OR revolution)

"digital citizenship" and "social media"

"social media" AND politics

"social media" AND society

"social media" AND "social movements"

digital media culture

"social media" AND influencers

"social media" AND "free speech"

"social media" AND censorship

You can also research the names of people involved in social and digital media as well as specific platform names.

(Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)



Image atrribution: A welcome screen for the Free-net bulletin board, from 1994 Michael L. Umbricht, CC BY 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons included on third slide with other social media icons from canva and pixaby

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