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Careers: Research & Resources: Home

A guide designed to provide CNU students with the information they need to prepare for the job search.

I Need To ...

CNU's Center for Career Planning

Great Resources Available to CNU Students & Alumni!

Christopher Newport Hall Suite 305

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What you should know before the interview!

WHO are they?

Private, Public, Non-Profit, Big, Little, Established, Start-Up...

WHAT do they do?

Sell, Manufacture, Consult, Service, Educate...

WHEN do they do it?

Year Round, Seasonally, Day, Night, 24/7 ...

WHERE do they do it?

International, United States, State, Regional, Local ...

WHY do they do it?

Mission statement, Philosophy, Business Plan ...

HOW do they do it?

Brick and Mortar, Online, In Person, Through Technology...

My Interview is Now! - What can I learn in 15 Minutes?

Google Web Search

That's right - find the web site and look it over!

See if they have an Annual Report Posted!

See if they have a Mission Statement, Business Plan, or other statement of purpose posted!

Trible Library provides links to other websites to aid in research and is not responsible for the content or privacy policy of those sites.