These resources provide access to collections of libraries around the world that would otherwise not be available for use or would require extensive travel to access.
Images and other materials may be in the public domain or under copyright.
These tend to be broad collections of materials covering multiple subject areas; for more specific resources try using the primary resources guide on your topic.
Check the terms of use/image rights/copyright for details.
Presents historical materials from Abraham Lincoln's Illinois years (1830-1861), including Lincoln's writings and speeches, as well as other materials illuminating antebellum Illinois. (a Northern Illinois University Libraries' digitization project)
"The Ad*Access Project, funded by the Duke Endowment Library 2000" Fund, presents images and database information for over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955. Ad*Access concentrates on five main subject areas: Radio, Television, Transportation, Beauty and Hygiene, and World War II, providing a coherent view of a number of major campaigns and companies through images preserved in one particular advertising collection available at Duke University. "
"Sources are the raw materials that historians use to write history. This site offers a range of primary sources—published and unpublished documents as well as images—that begin to fill in the picture of adoption’s past, illuminating topics, people, organizations, and studies that shaped adoption theory and practice during the twentieth century."
African American resources page created by the Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
"... is a digital collection of some 52 published works by 19th-century black women writers. A part of the Digital Schomburg, this collection provides access to the thought, perspectives and creative abilities of black women as captured in books and pamphlets published prior to 1920. A full text database of these 19th and early 20th- century titles, this digital library is key-word-searchable. Each individual title as well as the entire database can be searched to determine what these women had to say about "family", "religion", "slavery" or any other subject of interest to the researcher or casual reader."
"Sponsored by the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU) Library Deans, this digital project provides access to archival images documenting two important aspects of Catholic higher education. For this pilot initiative, contributors agreed to select and catalog photographs depicting the long-standing tradition of great teaching found in all Jesuit institutions. Other contributors submitted images that highlighted social justice and service-learning programs at their institutions."
"This collection represents just the beginning of the Alabama Department of Archives and History's effort to consolidate and reorganize its digital collections. "
"... a repository of digital materials on Alabama's history, culture, places, and people. Its purpose is to make unique historical treasures from Alabama's archives, libraries, museums, and other repositories electronically accessible to Alabama residents and to students, researchers, and the general public in other states and countries. "
"... presents a wealth of historical photographs, albums, oral histories, moving images, maps, documents, physical objects, and other materials from libraries, museums and archives throughout" the state
"The Albert M. Greenfield Digital Center for the History of Women's Education is an online locus of scholarship on the history of women’s higher education. The Center aims to foster inquiry and dialogue on how the history of women’s education has informed contemporary life and how it will shape the global future. Through its blog, exhibits, instructional lesson plans, and digital collections the Center provides informative materials and a digital space for teaching and learning on these topics."
"Collections of primary resources compatible with the Common Core State Standards — historical documents, literary texts, and works of art — thematically organized with notes and discussion questions."
"Filled with more than a million documents and hundreds of movies and radio shows, the New York-based American Jewish Committee Archives house an extraordinary range of resources on the past century of American Jewish history.
This web site, launched as part of AJC’s centennial celebration in 2006, makes an ever-expanding portion of our physical archives instantly accessible."
"The American Legion National Library and Museum administers the Digital Archive, which represents the library's digital holdings. The Digital Archive provides full-text access to The American Legion magazine, national meeting digests, post and officer manuals, newsletters, press releases, and other publications published by the national organization. Additionally, the archive contains the ruling documents of The American Legion including current resolutions. "
"Beginning with the Continental Congress in 1774, America's national legislative bodies have kept records of their proceedings. The records of the Continental Congress, the Constitutional Convention, and the United States Congress make up a rich documentary history of the construction of the nation and the development of the federal government and its role in the national life. These documents record American history in the words of those who built our government."
The 61 motion pictures in the Variety Stage Sound Recordings and Motion Pictures include animal acts, burlesque, dance, comic sketches, dramatic excerpts, dramatic sketches, physical culture acts, and tableaus. The films represented date from copyrights of 1897 to 1920; the majority are drawn from the Library's extensive Paper Print Collection. The remaining films were produced by Hans A. Spanuth in Chicago from 1919 to 1920 for the series "Spanuth's Original Vod-A-Vil Movies." These motion pictures present a rare animated record of vaudeville acts from the turn of the century. Although not actually filmed on a theatrical stage, they sought to recreate the atmosphere of a theater performance by showing the types of vaudeville acts and performers that were popular at the time.
The ten sound recordings were selected from vintage Edison phonograph Diamond Discs released from 1913-1927. These recordings feature comic skits, popular music and songs—including well-known favorites from the Civil War and World War I—and a dramatic monologue.
These selections are presented as part of the record of the past. They are historical documents which reflect the attitudes, perspectives, and beliefs of different times. The Library of Congress does not endorse the views expressed in these movies and sound recordings, which may contain content offensive to users.
"Original documents are the raw stuff of history. They are physical links to the past. The original documents of the United States government--those that have been identified as having permanent value--are preserved and made available to the public by the National Archives. This online exhibit is based on the "American Originals" series of exhibitions that appeared in the Rotunda from 1995-2001. American Originals presents a selection of some of the most significant and compelling documents from the National Archives holdings."
"Original documents are the raw stuff of history. They are physical links to the past. The original documents of the United States government—those that have been identified as having permanent value—are preserved and made available to the public by the National Archives and Records Administration."
"The APS Digital Library provides access to a wide variety of digitized items from the holdings of the American Philosophical Society." It includes items such as: audio interviews with scientists, oral histories, and linguistic studies; Anthropology Images; Biological Sciences Images; Eugenics Images; Genetics Images; Native American Images; Social Science and Humanities Images; digitized manuscripts, books and born-digital files; etc.
Created in 1999 by John Woolley and Gerhard Peters at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Contains documents for the study of the U.S. Presidency. The archive contains public papers of Presidents, addresses, speeches, FDR's Fireside Chats, debates, etc. Documents can be browsed or searched. The site also provides links to Presidential Libraries, election data, and an audio/video archive.
"... a collaborative project between the University of Michigan Humanities Text Initiative (HTI) and the University of Michigan Press." This site provides access to the full-text of volumes of American Poetry prior to 1920. Users can search or browse the materials available.
Includes pamphlets, periodicals, etc. "My goals are eventually to provide at one site the collected works of the major anarchists and an online history of anarchists and anarchist movements worldwide, including a graphics archive. In the Spring 1997 semester, students at the Claremont Colleges began making contributions to Anarchy Archives as part of Political Studies 155, Anarchy and the Internet."
"This site is designed to provide images, animations, and video for classroom and outreach learning. To supplement the visual information, each file has a description and metadata including the origins and ownership for the image."
As part of our mission to preserve and promote women's history, the Pembroke Center maintains the Christine Dunlap Farnham Archive and the Feminist Theory Archive in partnership with the Brown University Library."
"Through a unique partnership between the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and the Central Arkansas Library System, archival materials have been brought together for the benefit of researchers in the state's largest facility dedicated to the study of Arkansas history and culture. "
"Art Images for College Teaching (AICT) began as a personal project dedicated to the principle of free exchange of image resources for and among members of the educational community. While the AICT site is maintained and distributed under the general auspices of the Minneapolis College of Art & Design (MCAD), this institution is not responsible for content or use thereof. All work on the AICT project has been voluntary, and MCAD-affiliated personnel have contributed innumerable hours of research, clerical, and design effort on a pro-bono basis. Use of the images displayed on this website has also been contributed on a non-royalty basis for the public good. "
View some of the items available at the museum through online collections such as Ancient Near Eastern Terracottas, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, Eastern Art Online, Oxfordshire's Historic Archives and much more.
"Explore thousands of items including theses, dissertations, faculty scholarship, archival materials, audio, video and more on RADAR: Repository of AUC Digital collections, Archives, and Research.
Digitized archival collections feature a myriad of subjects and formats including photographs, audio and video resources, and publications. Scholarly works include Atlanta University Center theses and dissertations, electronic journals, faculty publications, student scholarship, and audio and video recordings of programs and conferences.
Many digital collections are available from anywhere on the web, while other collections, such as The Morehouse College Martin Luther King Jr. Collection, are available only within the Archives Research Center."
Athabasca University Library's Digitization Portal supports faculty and students of Athabasca University by providing access to AU Curriculum. The Digital Library is also a valuable public resource, enriching the learning environment for Albertans, as well as for learners from around the globe.
This Yale Law School project was designed to provide digital access to documents in the fields of Law, History, Economics, Politics, Diplomacy and Government. The project's site can be searched or browsed. Browsing can be done by Authors, Subjects, Titles, or by a specific collection of documents such as American Diplomacy: Bilateral Treaties 1778-1999. Documents are also available to browse by time period beginning with the Ancient Documents : 4000bce - 399 and continuing to the 21st Century.
"This collection is from the Basque Studies Library's photographic archives and includes photographs from both the American West and the Basque Country."
University of Nevada, Reno, University Libraries
A wide variety of digital collections covering many topics. Highlights include: The Browning Letters Projects; Baptist Collection; Historic Newspapers; collections of materials on JFK, oral histories, and more.
"Search for photographs, textual documents, illuminated manuscripts, maps, works of art, and books from the Beinecke's collections. Some materials may be protected by U.S. or international copyright laws or by privacy and publicity rights. Please see Permissions and Copyright for more information." Some material is available only to Yale students.
Contains links to digital projects and initiatives such as: Archivo de José María Luis Mora; Archivo de Lucas Alamán; Latin American Government Documents Archive; Selections of Digitized Content from the Benson Collection; and VOCES Oral History Project.
"The Betty H. Carter Women Veterans Historical Project documents the contributions of women in the military and related service organizations since World War I. The project includes a wide range of source material including photographs, letters, diaries, scrapbooks, oral histories, military patches and insignia, uniforms, and posters, as well as published works."
"Ten major natural history museum libraries, botanical libraries, and research institutions joined together to form the Biodiversity Heritage Library Project."
also accessible through the Internet Archive
"The mission of the Black Archives of Mid-America is to collect, preserve and make available to the public materials documenting the social, economic, political and cultural histories of persons of African descent in the central United States, with particular emphasis in the Kansas City, Missouri region. Black Archives of Mid-America is an educational resource and provides access to its collections for research, exhibition and publication to honor our community heritage and to catalyze public awareness."
BPL's Digital Collections were created to preserve and make available the local history of Birmingham and the surrounding area. These resources may help students, teachers, genealogists, historians and interested citizens learn more about the history of Birmingham.Description from site (BPL = Birmingham Public Library)
"The Briscoe Center for American History is one of the nation’s leading research centers for historical study. The center’s archives, libraries, museums, and historic buildings are part of the The University of Texas at Austin’s commitment to collecting, preserving, and making available the evidence of the past."
This digital library for British historical resources was created by the Institute of Historical Research and the History of Parliament Trust. It provides "text and information about people, places and businesses from the medieval and early modern period." Users are encouraged to register with the site (for free) in order to use the available advanced features. A full-text search feature is available or the collections can be browsed. Some materials are available only to subscribers [CNU does not subscribe.]
"This website, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, makes available a database of thousands of prints and book illustrations from early modern Britain in fully-searchable form. It also offers ancillary facilities aimed to enhance users’ understanding and appreciation of the material it presents, such as various resources contextualising prints and printmaking, as well as original research on British prints to 1700..."
"Broadsides are ephemeral material, usually intended for one-time use and printed on one side of one sheet of paper. They often include a date and were used to advertise or illustrate an event, meeting, product, or sale. Wills, political statements, proclamations, and theatre bills are also found in this collection. The Library of Virginia collection, which includes more than 1,700 broadsides dating from the eighteenth century to the present, provides a treasure trove of information to researchers about the activities and daily community affairs of Virginians, as well as insights into political, racial, and spiritual inclinations of their time."
A digital collection of broadsides and other printed ephemera that were purchased or pulled from Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library collections. Topics include advertisements, acts and laws, theater, publishing, railroads, and economics.
"Brooklyn Public Library's Brooklyn Collection documents the history of Brooklyn from pre-colonial times to the present. A unique resource for the study of Brooklyn’s social and cultural history, the Brooklyn Collection is a distinct division of Central Library, and is BPL's only collection of archival and rare book material." Some material is available online.
Provides access to digital collections from Brown University such as: Haitian Studies Resources, Drowne Family Papers, Howard P. Lovecraft Collection, Radical America, Vietnam Veterans Archive and much more.
"The Butler Center provides online access to selected portions of our collections. These featured collections represent a dynamic sampling of Arkansas history. Included are audio/video clips, digital images of photographs, letters, and other documents as well as educational resources such as lesson plans."
Access digital collections provided by the Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young University. Subjects include: LDS Religion & Church History, Western History, Family History, etc.
Digital collections include: Christian Works; Islamic Manuscripts; Darwin-Hooker Letters; Hebrew Manuscripts; Newton Papers; Sanskrit Manuscripts and more
"The Canadiana Online collection contains 19 million pages (95,000 titles) of digitized historical publications, including monographs, serials, and government publications. The collection is largely composed of materials published prior to 1921. "
"an online archive of the Canadian war experience, from any war, as told through the letters and images of Canadians themselves. It began in August 2000, located in the Department of History at Vancouver Island University."
CARLI Digital Collections is a growing image and special collections research resource for faculty, staff, students, and the public. By combining digital collections from a number of CARLI member institutions into a seamless environment, researchers are guaranteed richer search results on a variety of topics.The items in the Saskia Art Images collection are available only to CARLI member institutions. All other collections may be viewed by anyone with an Internet connection and web browser.Description from site
The aim is to "make scarce resources available in an electronic format to students and scholars, both within UCC and beyond. This initiative has been jointly funded by the Department of Early and Medieval Irish and by the Quality Promotion Unit (from its Quality Improvement Fund) and is an ongoing project; it is hoped to add more material to the site as time and finances allow. There are five major sections: Images (digitised pictures of interest to Celticists), Text Archive (PDF files of rare material), Articles (PDF files of selected publications by staff members), Celtic Noticeboard (an area devoted to announcements of forthcoming conferences, events, vacancies, publications etc.) and Celtic journals (tables of contents of journals of Celtic studies interest). "
"The Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona, is recognized as one of the world's finest academic art museums and study centers for the history of photography." Some images may be viewed online.
Access to a variety of digital collections provided by Brown University including: African American Sheet Music, Alcohol, Temperance & Prohibition, BAMCO: Brown Archival & Manuscript Collections Online, Florentine Renaissance Resources: Online Catasto of 1427 Database, Latin American Travelogues and much more.
"Center for Jewish History and partner collections span five thousand years, with tens of millions of archival documents (in dozens of languages and alphabet systems), more than 500,000 volumes, as well as thousands of artworks, textiles, ritual objects, recordings, films, and photographs. "
" one of the world's leading collections in the history of health care and medicine, attracting researchers from around the world to consult its rare books and journals, archives and manuscripts, photographs and prints, and art and artifact collections. The history of medicine plays a critical role in informing contemporary medicine, at the same time that it informs our understanding of the larger society within which medicine is embedded."
Also available in Spanish
The Cervantes Project is housed at Texas A&M University and is a collaboration of TAMU Department of Hispanic Studies,
Center for the Study of Digital Libraries (CSDL) (part of the TAMU Engineering Program), and Dr. Fred Jehle of Indiana-Purdue University. The Project includes the following:
Cervantes International Bibliography Online (CIBO) - "a comprehensive bibliography of studies, editions, and translations of Cervantes's works."
Cervantes Digital Library (CDL) - "contains several electronic editions of Cervantes's complete works, including flexible interfaces and search engines with multiple options for searching and displaying results. Copies of his comedies, plays, and other related works are located in the CDL. "
Cervantes Digital Archive of Images (CDAI) - "aims to develop a digital archive of photographic images on Cervantes's times and works suitable for teaching and research purposes."
"Begun in December 1998, CPDL is one of the world's largest free sheet music sites. You can use CPDL to find scores, texts, translations, and information about composers." The site can be browsed or searched.
"Chronicling America (ISSN 2475-2703) is a Website providing access to information about historic newspapers and select digitized newspaper pages, and is produced by the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP). "
Collections include: Early California Letters; Fashion Plate Collection, 19th Century; Asian Library Digital Collections; Italian Renaissance Manuscript Collection; Japanese American World War II Incarceration and many others.
A site that provides access to the full-text of classical works in psychology. The site was created by Christopher D. Green, a Psychology Professor at York University in Canada. Access texts by Author or Topic. The site also provides a search feature. In addition there is a Special Collections area and links to related documents.
Access to the Virginia Gazette Newspaper 1730-1780. Also provides access to York County Probate Records (17th/18th century,) transcripts and images of selected historical documents, as well as Research Reports "documenting the study of the eighteenth-century town since the establishment of the Foundation. "
Collections include: John Jay's papers, selected digital images from medieval and early Renaissance manuscript collections, digital resources for scholarship on South Asia, historical corporate reports, and more.
"... largely composed of digital versions of paper documents from the Combined Arms Research Library collections and student papers produced at the US Army Command and General Staff College. We have recently partnered with several Army educational and historical organizations whose collections appear here also. "
"CoRR is part of the arXiv e-print service. Submissions to arXiv must conform to Cornell University academic standards. arXiv is owned and operated by Cornell University, a private not-for-profit educational institution. "
A list of "collections digitized and curated by Cornell University Library." Includes collections such as:
The Alfredo Montalvo Bolivian digital pamphlets collection; Cornell East Asia series; Cornell University collection of political Americana; The Friend of man; Making of America; New York State historical literature; etc.
"Credo is an online repository containing the digital collections held by the UMass Amherst Libraries’ Department of Special Collections and University Archives (SCUA)."
"The CUNY Digital History Archive (CDHA) is an open, participatory digital public archive and portal that gives the CUNY community and the broader public online access to a range of materials related to the history of the City University of New York. The CDHA will conduct and collect oral history interviews as well as accept historical materials and records held by individuals whose lives, in diverse ways, have shaped, and been shaped, by CUNY."
"...created from the first major collection of books, manuscripts, atlases, and maps donated to the University of Pittsburgh. Most of the credit for assembling the Darlington Collection rightly goes to William M. Darlington, an attorney by profession who was born in Pittsburgh in 1815. "
"These digital collections range in scope and shape from medieval manuscripts to a Dr. Seuss glossary to 1950s films documenting life at Dartmouth. These collections have been digitized for class or faculty use, by librarian request, or to support worldwide academic research."
Documents related to Gabriel's Conspiracy in 1800, Nat Turner's Rebellion in Southampton County in 1831, and John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry in 1859.
Access digital collections on a variety of topics including: African American Film Materials; Belo Records, 1842-2007; Elmer and Diane Powell Collection on Mexico and the Mexican Revolution; Frank J. Davis World War II Photographs; Southern Methodist University Student Newspapers; U.S. West: Photographs, Manuscripts, and Imprints; and many others.
"The Dickinson Electronic Initiative in the Liberal Arts "provides a home" for existing and developing digital scholarly projects at Dickinson College" It includes digital collections on James Buchanan, Three Mile Island, and more.
"This online collection contains a selection of photographs, maps, broadsides, architectural drawings and other documents from the collections of the Western History and Genealogy Department and the Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library, chronicling the people, places, and events that shaped the settlement and growth of the Western United States. The work of many outstanding photographers is represented and the collection includes images of Native Americans, pioneers, railroads, mining, Denver and Colorado towns, the Rocky Mountain News, Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, the 10th Mountain Division ski troops and many more. New images are continually being added chronicling the ongoing development of the Western United States."
"... a website devoted to the study of Emily Dickinson, her writing practices, writings directly influencing her work, and critical and creative writings generated by her work." The site includes a mixture of resources, some of which are freely available and some for which there is a fee for access due to copyright restrictions. The site includes the following areas: Writings by the Dickinson Family - "Please contact the editors concerning access to restricted areas of these sites." Responses to Dickinson's Writing, Teaching with the Archives, and Critical Resources.
"Dig DC is your portal to selected digitized and born-digital items from DC Public Library Special Collections. At Dig DC you can find photos, maps, audio and more documenting the history of Washington D.C."
"DigiBaeck is your gateway to LBI's digital collections, a growing treasury of artifacts that document the rich heritage of German-speaking Jewry in the modern era. DigiBaeck provides instant access to materials ranging from rare 16th century renaissance books to memoirs that document the experience of German-Jewish émigrés across the world in the 20th century."
"DIGITAL.BODLEIAN is an effort to make portions of the Bodleian's extraordinary library collections open to a wide variety of users from around the world for learning, teaching and research."
"Digital collections provide online access to images, documents, audio and video that demonstrate Colorado State University research, scholarship and history. All materials are protected by copyright and generally for non-commercial educational use. A few items are restricted to campus access only."
Collections include photographs, an antislavery collection, DuBoisopedia, dissertations and theses of the university, exhibits, W.E.B. DuBois Papers and more.
"The Wayne State University Library System, through its digital publishing initiatives, strives to bring unique, important, or institutionally relevant content to Wayne State University’s academic community and to the larger world. Our Digital Collections represent text, images, and audiovisual material that support this mission through a diversity of projects."
"... classroom-ready, primary-source documents selected from the Newberry’s holdings. Explore topics from Shakespeare to Chicago history on the collections page. Browse all documents or search for documents related to specific subjects on the items page. The collections are also available for download in PDF format."
Access digital collections from the IUPUI Library including: Brock's Birds of Indiana; Chris Gonzalez GLBT Archive Collection; Historic Indiana Maps; William Vincent Wheeler Family Papers, 1863-1993; and many others.
Material currently available includes records and photographs from the Borough of Roosevelt, originally known as New Jersey Homesteads, a planned community created by the Federal Government under the President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal initiative, and the papers of Peter Still, a slave who managed to buy his own freedom, and subsequently that of his wife and family.
Also included are photographs from the William Elliot Griffis Collection. Griffis, a graduate of the Rutgers Class of 1869, wrote extensively on Japan and was instrumental in interpreting Japanese culture to the West. He also served as a mentor to the earliest Japanese students at Rutgers.
Nearly 700 maps and aerial views from our extensive collection are also included in RUCore, as well as English ballads from the 1700s, and New Jersey Broadsides from the mid-to-late 1800s.
Includes collections such as:
Cultural Magazines of Latin America
Mexican engravings José Guadalupe Posada (1854-1913)
Biblioteca criolla
Argentine theater and literary periodicals and others.
"Digital collections at the Edmon Low Library are a collaborative project-based effort between Archives, Government Documents, Oral History, Maps & Spatial Data Services, and Digital Library Services. Collections include photography, maps, audio, and video files related to Oklahoma State University along with a diverse range of topics that are intertwined with the rich history of Oklahoma."
Choose from various options to search Getty's resources including digital collections, open content, and more. Some items may be only accessible to library users, but many of the items are provided for free to the general public.
" an open-access digital repository that collects, archives, and disseminates the intellectual and creative output of the University’s faculty, staff, students, and community partners. Digital Commons hosts contributions from across the campus and the community, including campus documents and publications, faculty and student research, conferences, journals, research data, news, and more."
"DigitalGeorgetown is the unified portal for Georgetown University’s institutional repository and digital collections, providing online access to scholarly academic resources, rare and unique digitized special collections, and more."
"Selected materials from Guatemala, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Yemen, and Mongolia, aand numerous other countries where AORCs are located are made easily and freely available over the Internet to American and international scholars and students. Not only are most of these materials uncataloged, unavailable, or unknown to scholars, most are extremely difficult to access (because of location, unsettled political conditions, privacy issues, or bureaucratic procedures). "
Operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) this library contains three bibliographic databases containing more than 8.4 million records (Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics, and arXiv e-prints.) The records can be searched, full-text scans of some publications is provided and links to outside sources of full-text are also provided. CNU Students, faculty & staff should check Journal Finder or use the Interlibrary Loan Service to see if full-text access is available without payment.
"The Digital Library of Georgia is a gateway to Georgia's history and culture found in digitized books, manuscripts, photographs, government documents, newspapers, maps, audio, video, and other resources. "
"... is a cooperative digital library for resources from and about the Caribbean and circum-Caribbean. dLOC provides access to digitized versions of Caribbean cultural, historical and research materials currently held in archives, libraries, and private collections."
offers data on race and slavery extracted from eighteenth and nineteenth-century documents and processed over a period of eighteen years. The Digital Library contains detailed information on about 150,000 individuals, including slaves, free people of color, and whites. These data have been painstakingly extracted from 2,975 legislative petitions and 14,512 county court petitions, and from a wide range of related documents, including wills, inventories, deeds, bills of sale, depositions, court proceedings, amended petitions, among others. Buried in these documents are the names and other data on roughly 80,000 individual slaves, 8,000 free people of color, and 62,000 whites, both slave owners and non-slave owners.
"Digital Maryland (previously Maryland Digital Cultural Heritage or MDCH), is a collaborative, statewide digitization program headquartered at the Enoch Pratt Free Library/State Library Resource Center in Baltimore. Its mission is to facilitate the digitization and digital exhibition of the historical and cultural documents, images, audio and video held by Maryland institutions."
"The Digital Media Repository provides online access to a variety of primary source materials, including photographs, oral history interviews, artwork, video and film footage, cartographic resources, architectural drawings, publications, and 3-dimensional objects."
"The Digital Military Collection is an ongoing project to house, organize and preserve contemporary and historic military books, newspapers, periodicals, video and audio content." University of Florida
The Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum (ISM; International Mozart Foundation) has digitized Mozart's music and made it available online for free. Access is available to everyone for private, scholarly, and educational use. Users may need to select the English edition for search interface if it comes up in German.
Includes a variety of collections that include primary source materials such as:
Chicago and the Midwest; Edward E. Ayer Digital Collection; Everett D. Graff Collection of Western Americana; Mexican Hometown Association Oral Histories and many more.
Includes collections such as:
Inquisition Collections; Numismatic Collections Online; Sports Collections Online; Manuscripts of the American Civil War; Manuscripts of Colonial and Revolutionary America; etc.
"The Digital Repository of Ireland is a national digital repository for Ireland’s humanities, social sciences, and cultural heritage data. You can browse and search across multiple collections from some of the finest Irish institutions. "
"Relying on the expertise of distinguished curators and scholars, Digital Schomburg provides access to trusted information, interpretation, and scholarship on the global black experience 24/7. Users worldwide can find, in this virtual Schomburg Center, exhibitions, books, articles, photographs, prints, audio and video streams, and selected external links for research in the history and cultures of the peoples of Africa and the African Diaspora."
Contains a variety of collections covering Memphis history including: Civil Rights Collection; photograph collection; Benjamin L. Hooks Collection; Restaurant and Menu Collection and more.
"Disability is an aspect of human experience that crosses all boundaries of race, class and gender, and it leaves a trail in all societies, everywhere. Our Collections aim to reveal the rich possibilities and directions disability history offers as a means to study our collective human experience."
"This database simplifies access to digital collections of primary sources (photos, letters, diaries, artifacts, etc.) that document the history of women in the United States. These diverse collections range from Abigail Franks' letters to her son from the 1730s and 1740s (Center for Jewish History) to Katrina Thomas' photographs of ethnic weddings from the late 20th century. "
This site from the NARA contains over 3000 primary source items selected to aid teachers in bringing "the past to life." Documents are divided by historical eras.
"Document Bank of Virginia (DBVa) is the Library of Virginia’s initiative to get documents into classrooms. Using primary sources, teachers can make history relevant to students while helping them learn and understand state standards. DBVa will teach students to be critical thinkers as they analyze the original documents and draw their own conclusions about Virginia’s past."
A website from the University Library at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. This digital project "provides access to digitized primary materials that offer Southern perspectives on American history and culture." Indexes are provided by author, title, subjects, or geographic area. Users may also browse or search collections. Collections include : "First-Person Narratives of the American South" , "Library of Southern Literature" , "North American Slave Narratives" , "The Southern Homefront, 1861-1865" , "The Church in the Southern Black Community" , "The North Carolina Experience, Beginnings to 1940" , and "North Carolinians and the Great War" . The site provides information on citing the documents and lesson plans and activities for classroom use.
The Duke University Libraries Digital Collections Program builds distinctive digital collections that provide access to Duke's unique library and archival materials for teaching, learning, and research at Duke and worldwide.
"The Duke Papyrus Archive provides electronic access to texts about and images of nearly 1400 papyri from ancient Egypt. The target audience includes: papyrologists, ancient historians, archaeologists, biblical scholars, classicists, Coptologists, Egyptologists, students of literature and religion and all others interested in ancient Egypt." A cataloging note provides descriptions in English.
A site from Oxford University that is created of more than eighty manuscripts from seven separate libraries. Images of the manuscripts are provided for personal use, please read the copyright information for further details.
"The Department of History at The Ohio State University is proud to be the home of eHistory. " Access a variety of materials including: book reviews, primary sources, links, maps, etc.
"The University of Michigan, the University of Oxford, and Gale (part of Cengage Learning) have cooperated in a Text Creation Partnership to make freely available 2,231 accurately keyed and fully searchable SGML/XML text editions from among the 150,000 titles available in the Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) database."
Projects include:
Holocaust Denial on Trial ( "David Irving v. Penguin Books U.K. and Deborah Lipstadt"); Shakespeare and the Players (postcards of actors); Sounding Spirit (sacred music); and more.
"ETANA is a cooperative venture of a consortium of scholarly societies and universities to develop and maintain a comprehensive Internet site for the study of the ancient Near East (ANE)." Members include: The American Oriental Society, American Schools of Oriental Research, Case Western Reserve University, Cobb Institute of Archaeology at Mississippi State, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Society of Biblical Literature, Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, Vanderbilt University, and Virginia Polytechnic and State University.
The site is made up of three areas:
(1) Abzu - a guide to information available on the internet. It can be searched or browsed. This section also provides searching of the information in section (2) Core Texts - ETANA has "digitized, and continues to digitize texts selected as valuable for teaching and research relating to Ancient Near Eastern studies. We have selected primarily editions that are outside of copyright, or with the permission of copyright holders. While the new electronic editions we have produced are under copyright, the ETANA project chooses to make these freely available for non-commercial teaching and research purposes." And section (3) Archaeological Projects - provides links to projects associated with the ETANA site.
This site from the Library at Brigham Young University provides links to historical documents. These are mainly primary sources and have been transcribed, reproduced in facsimile, or translated.
"... ets researchers, teachers and students search many locations at once. Our unified search lets you locate thousands of archival collections and digital images at member institutions all over the Chicago area."
"The Fabian Society was founded early in 1884, its purpose to "reconstruct society in such a manner as to secure the general welfare and happiness". Early members included George Bernard Shaw, Sidney Webb, Emmeline Pankhurst and others who contributed papers to meetings and conferences on social, economic and political issues, and to the series of published Fabian Tracts."
"The Fairfield University Digital Archives offers a wealth of historical information reflecting the origins and development of Fairfield University. Our aim is to provide a valuable historical resource for both the Fairfield University community and the public at large." The collection includes historical photos, documents, and student newspapers as well as other materials.
"... electronic reading room, containing more than 3,000 documents that have been scanned from paper into digital copies so you can read them in the comfort of your home or office. "
"The Feeding America project has created an online collection of some of the most important and influential American cookbooks from the late 18th to early 20th century. The digital archive includes page images of 76 cookbooks from the MSU Library's collection as well as searchable full-text transcriptions. This site also features a glossary of cookery terms and multidimensional images of antique cooking implements from the collections of the MSU Museum. "
"Compass brings together digital scholarship with cultural and historical materials contributed by Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith colleges. It provides a single point of discovery and establishes a platform that contributes to the stewardship of our digital collections. Compass supports our institutional missions of teaching and research excellence through improved access to unique materials, and creates a resource to engage both scholars and the general public. "
"Florida Memory presents a selection of historical records that illustrate significant moments in Florida history, educational resources for students of all ages and archival collections for historical research. "
"This site presents film as a historical source and considers its advantages and disadvantages as evidence for the past. Like all historical sources films must be investigated and evaluated carefully. How far do they present an accurate record of an event and how far do they reflect the views of the film-maker, or indeed, the sponsor of the film?"
Click the Film Archives for clips.
From the British National Archives
Register for free basic access to historic documents. Some documents require a premium access membership. Free items include U.S. Milestone Documents, UFO reports, papers of the Continental Congress, etc.
"... is a hub for exploring over four hundred early modern English plays that were performed in London's professional theaters between 1576 and 1642. Browse plays written by Shakespeare’s contemporaries, explore the repertoire of London’s professional companies, read the first printed edition of one of our featured plays, or download the plays and their source code."
"Correspondence and Other Writings of Seven Major Shapers of the United States:
George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams (and family), Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison. Over 184,000 searchable documents, fully annotated, from the authoritative Founding Fathers Papers projects."
"Furman University's online digital collections contain an assortment of materials covering many subject areas, including medieval history, primary texts and manuscripts, works of art, and Furman's own rich history and sustainability efforts. " Some materials may be limited to use by Furman University faculty, staff and students.
This sites presents the catalog of digital collections of the Bibliotheque Nationale de la France. It contains approximately 70, 000 digital documents, 1200 full-text documents, and 80, 000 images. Content can be browsed or searched.
Georgia State University Library's Digital Collections provide online access to unique and rare material within the University Library's Special Collections and Archives Department, the general collections and select community partners to support the research interest of scholarly communities and the general public. Material within the collections include manuscripts, photographs, periodicals, newspapers, oral histories, audio/visual, maps, and printed materials."
"Gerrit Smith (1797-1874) was an American social reformer, abolitionist, politician, and philanthropist. Born in Utica, New York, he spent much of his life in nearby Peterboro. The collection includes portraits, correspondence, speeches, pamphlets, broadsides and other publications on such topics as abolition, suffrage, temperance, and land ownership."
"GettDigital is an online portal to the digital collections created by Special Collections & College Archives and offered through CONTENTdm. These digital primary sources include a wide variety of material types and subjects including College Photographs, the Civil War Era, World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War, Eisenhower, and rare book bindings. As of 2019, we offer 36 GettDigital Collections with over 71,000 digital learning objects."
"Collected in this image archive are representatives from all of the Society’s curatorial collections including manuscripts, rare books, children’s books, graphic arts (including prints and fine arts), newspapers and periodicals."
"Explore 20,000 items from Gilcrease Museum's collection, totaling more than 350,000 art, archive, anthropology and library materials that span 13,500 years of North American history and art."
"The Digital Collections initiative by Grand Valley State University Libraries, Special Collections & University Archives provides digital accessibility to unique interdisciplinary materials, in a centralized, user-focused Web-based resource serving the teaching, learning, and research community at Grand Valley State University and beyond.
The Digital Collections include highlights from the Special Collections & University Archives holdings, as well as resources collected or created by other University entities in partnership with the University Libraries. Collections are selected and included based on anticipated research use. The vision of the Digital Collections is to continue to grow and build a suite of digital resources that contribute to the body of available research materials and promote the use of Grand Valley State University's unique resources."
"The collection of Grant-Burr Family Papers contains over five hundred letters written between 1827 and 1892. Central to the collection is the correspondence between Daniel Grant (1818-1892) and his wife Caroline Burr Grant (1820-1892). The letters of these articulate and well-educated New England families discuss their experiences in westward expansion, early female seminaries, courtship, marriage, childrearing, missionary activity, the California Gold Rush, and the Civil War. "
"The Hagley Digital Archives provides online access to selected items from the Hagley Museum and Library's collection of images, documents, and publications related to the history of business, technology, and society."
"The Project's principal aim is to make primary texts readily available to students and faculty for use in history and humanities courses. The texts scanned for the project are all in public domain. The electronic forms of the texts created by the HHTP are under copyright. Permission to copy and use the texts is granted for educational purposes. We ask that you acknowledge the Hanover Historical Texts Project. Permission is not granted for commercial uses." The texts are presented by areas of the world and then by time period.
Digital Collections available from the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin. Collections cover a wide range of topics from Medieval & Early Modern Manuscripts to interviews done by Mike Wallace.
Note the majority of the transcripts are in Persian with a few in English. This Harvard University website provides access to a collection of "personal accounts of 134 individuals who played major roles in or were eyewitnesses to important political events in Iran from the 1920s to the 1980s. Of these, 118 narratives have been digitized and are available to researchers through this database. The collection provides scholars and practitioners the opportunity to listen to and read the personal accounts of many of Iran's former political leaders as they recall the times and events that shaped their lives and the life of their country."
"This collection of nearly 600 broadsides highlights crime and capital punishment as seen through the popular press in 18th and 19th century Great Britain. "
HathiTrust was conceived as a collaboration of the thirteen universities of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation and the University of California system to establish a repository for these universities to archive and share their digitized collections. Many of the collections are publicly accessible. Collections can be searched or browsed.
The Hawaii War Records Depository (HWRD), which was established at the University of Hawaii Library in 1943, is an extensive collection of materials that document life in Hawaii during World War II. Digitized photographs from this collection are now accessible online.
"... is a collection of primary resources from HBCU libraries and archives. It includes several thousand scanned pages and represents HBCU libraries first collaborative effort to make a historic collection digitially available. Collections are contributed from member libraries of the Historically Black College and University Library Alliance. "
The Billie Jane Baguley Library and Archives has an extensive collection of documentary and photographic works on American Indians with an emphasis on indigenous people in the Greater Southwest. The Digital Library represents a virtual selection from the archives, library and art collections including:
Photographs both historic and modern
Repository guides
Broadsides, booklets and brochures
Artists’ biography reports
Drawings and prints
Images of art objects
"The Hispanic Digital Library is the digital library of the Biblioteca Nacional de España. It provides access free of charge to thousands of digitised documents, including books printed from the 15th to the 19th century, manuscripts, drawings, engravings, pamphlets, posters, photographs, maps, atlases, music scores, historic newspapers and magazines and audio recordings."
"... is one of the largest and most comprehensive independent archives in Southern Africa." Some materials from the collection are available through this DIGITISED COLLECTIONS section of the site.
A site at the Thurgood Marshall Law Library which provides access to the historical record of this Federal Agency. Documents can be accessed by title, date, subject, or sudoc number. Coverage begins with the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Additional information may also be found at U.S. Commission on Civil Rights web page (
Much of the history of the 20th century is recorded. "The purpose of Historical Voices is to create a significant, fully searchable online database of spoken word collections spanning the 20th century..." The site should continue to expand as new collections are added.
"HOLLIS Images is the Harvard Library's dedicated image catalog. It includes content from archives, museums, libraries, and other collections throughout Harvard University. Access to the catalog is open to the general public."
"The mission of Special Collections is to collect, preserve, and provide access to manuscript collections made up of primary sources that focus primarily on California and American history, as well as a specialized book collection on the American West, and the university archives." The Digital Collection provides online access to some of these sources.
" a core electronic collection of books and journals in Home Economics and related disciplines. Titles published between 1850 and 1950 were selected and ranked by teams of scholars for their great historical importance. The first phase of this project focused on books published between 1850 and 1925 and a small number of journals. Future phases of the project will include books published between 1926 and 1950, as well as additional journals. The full text of these materials, as well as bibliographies and essays on the wide array of subjects relating to Home Economics, are all freely accessible on this site. This is the first time a collection of this scale and scope has been made available." Cornell University
The HSDL limited collection provides open access to over 42,000 federal documents and academic theses related to homeland security. A larger collection "is available to homeland security officials and academics for research, analysis, and policy and strategy development. Access is offered to U.S. citizens who are:federal, state, tribal, and local U.S. government officials; members of the U.S. military; homeland security researchers and academics; or security staff protecting organizations vital to U.S. infrastructure."
Sponsored by the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s National Preparedness Directorate, FEMA.
"... the Library & Archives that bear [Herbert] Hoover’s name boast nearly one million volumes and more than six thousand archival collections—in sixty-nine languages from more than one hundred fifty countries—pertaining to war, revolution, and peace in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. "
Includes things such as: archival material from the African American Library at the Gregory School, the Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research, and the Houston Metropolitan Research Center. Some collections are the result of collaborations with partner libraries, museums, and cultural heritage institutions.
"The purpose of this section is to draw attention to the documents that are relevant in developing an understanding of the various issues around criminalisation of homosexuality. The documents contained in the library can be accessed by clicking on the relevant sections. Advanced search option can be used for sorting the documents based on sections and/ or country and for more specific searches based on key-words. Each document has been provided a brief overview and full text can be accessed by clicking on the indicated link."
"The Huntington Library is one of the world’s great independent research libraries specializing in the fields of British and American history, literature and the history of science spanning the 11th century to the present. Among the collections are 7 million manuscripts, 420,000 rare books, 270,000 general collection books, and 1.3 million photographs, prints, and ephemera."
This site contains mostly public domain, english language materials. Divided into the various theaters of war. Also provides links to other related websites. Hosted by the ibiblio website, "a conservancy of freely available information, including software, music, literature, art, history, science, politics, and cultural studies. is a collaboration of the Center for the Public Domain and The University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill."
Collections cover a variety of topics including: CCC in Idaho, E. Jane Gay Manuscript, Choup-nit-ki, Idaho RailRoad Visual History, Lora Kulow -Idaho Pioneer Collection and more.
"The Illinois Digital Archives is a repository for the digital collections of libraries, museums, historical societies and other cultural institutions in Illinois."
"Here you'll find more than 95,000 digital images that are available for research, with more added every week. The Preservation Imaging Lab scans materials covering a variety of subjects and formats. These digital images constitute only a small percentage of the more than 1.7 million photographs in our collection. "
"... international collaboration to make information and images of all manuscripts, paintings, textiles and artefacts from Dunhuang and archaeological sites of the Eastern Silk Road freely available on the Internet and to encourage their use through educational and research programmes."
This site contains a variety of collections including full text books, movies, and audio, software, and educational resources in addition to the WayBack Machine.
"This site is a freely available archive of electronic texts about religion, mythology, legends and folklore, and occult and esoteric topics. Texts are presented in English translation and, where possible, in the original language."
"... is a compilation of transportation-related photos, maps and other documents gathered by DOT employees or donated to the department. It is one of the few digital collections of historical transportation artifacts in the country. "
"... a resource for students, educators, historians, genealogists, and anyone else interested in the people, places and institutions of Iowa. The site provides free access to digital collections from a variety of Iowa cultural institutions."
"Digital Collections highlights works and collections from the Iowa State University Library. These materials include photographs, manuscripts, artifacts, books, and audiovisual formats."
The site includes "biographies, colorful images, and extensive historical accounts of medieval medicine and science..." The site provides a glossary and acatalogue raisonné (including images) of approximately 300 Persian and Arabic manuscripts available in the National Library of Medicine.
"The JDC Archives documents the relief, rescue and rehabilitation activities of the organization, from its founding in 1914 to the present. Its holdings include over 3 miles of text documents; over 100,000 photographs; a research library of 6,000 books; and approximately 1,500 audiovisual materials, including 200 oral histories" Some items are available online through the Online Collections Database.
Contains "... full digital text of primary historical documents previously unavailable to the general public except in historical society archives or on reels of microfilm"
"The Jewish Diaspora Collection (JDoC) is a collaborative and cooperative digital library designed to preserve and provide wide access to Jewish heritage materials from Florida, Latin America and the Caribbean. Modelled on the Digital Library of the Caribbean, JDoC provides a host site and portal for digitized versions of hidden and/or endangered Jewish cultural, historical and research materials currently held in archives, libraries, and private collections."
A site from the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise it contains over 1000 articles and more than 5000 photographs and maps. The Library has several browsable categories available such as History, Women, and the Holocaust. The site also includes a glossary, links to other sites, publications, and other information. There is a search feature available.
The mission of the Jewish Women's Archive (JWA) is to uncover, chronicle, and transmit the rich history of American Jewish women. The site provides access to a variety of research resources including The American Jewess magazine archives and a virtual archive containing biographical information, primary source materials, and more.
"These materials are made available under a Creative Commons License (click here for that policy). By downloading any images from our site, you agree to the terms of that license. We ask that anyone who uses the Library’s material include the following attribution: "Courtesy of the John Carter Brown Library." Finally, we would very much look forward to hearing from you if and when you use materials from the Library for publication. E-mail us here."
This project by a group of librarians, scholars and University of Nebraska Press staff provides online access to the Nebraska edition of the Lewis and Clark journals, edited by Gary E. Moulton. Users can search the journals or read them by date. Additional links to sites about Lewis and Clark are also provided.
"With holdings of over 90,000 volumes, the Isser and Rae Price Library of Judaica at the University of Florida is considered the foremost Jewish studies research collection in the southeastern United States. In terms of many of its scarce, late 19th to early 20th century imprints, the Price Library of Judaica ranks among the top 20 academic libraries in the world. Indeed, many thousands of its titles in Hebrew and Yiddish are held by just 10 or less libraries in the United States."
University of Florida Digital Collections
"The Juilliard Manuscript Collection is an extraordinary collection of 140 priceless autograph manuscripts, sketches, engravers proofs and first editions, which were donated to the school in February 2006 by Juilliard Board Chairman Bruce Kovner."
"... created by the Kansas State Historical Society to share its historical collections via the Internet. It supports the mission of the Society--to identify, collect, preserve, interpret, and disseminate materials and information pertaining to Kansas history in order to assist the public in understanding, appreciating, and caring for the heritage of Kansas. "
"The Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives is the unit of Catherwood Library that collects, preserves, and makes accessible special collections pertaining to the history of the workplace and labor relations." Some items are available online.
"The King Library Digital Collections represent rare and unique materials held by San Jose State University Special Collections and the San Jose Public Library’s California Room. The collections document the history of the Santa Clara Valley from its agricultural beginnings to the high-tech boom and formation of the Silicon Valley. The range of subjects covered include local politics, social and cultural traditions, education, local business and industry, and historical events. This digital library will stimulate discovery of the rich and diverse resources of the library and will promote new scholarship from our community."
"The Keystone Library Network (KLN) Digital Collections provide access to online repositories of digital objects made available by participating KLN libraries. The KLN consists of the 14 universities in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) and other affiliated libraries which reside in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania."
"KU Libraries has designed the KU Digital Collections as a showcase and point of connection for digital projects and collections from disciplines across the KU campus. Digital research, online journals, scholarly publishing, and image collections are all represented. Most of these collections are freely available; a few are only available to current KU employees and students."
"The Latin American Library has substantially expanded its holdings to include digital surrogates of primary source materials in its Special Collections. These holdings include digital collections of photographic materials, rare books, and manuscripts collections hosted by the Tulane Digital Library (TUDL)."
"Lehigh University Libraries Special Collections is dedicated to increasing digital access to its holdings. Internet accessible material is constantly being added through both grant-funded projects and the regular digitization of frequently used or significant items. "
Located in the Special Collections at the Milton S. Eisenhower Library of The Johns Hopkins University, the collection contains over 29,000 pieces of music and focuses on popular American music spanning the period 1780 to 1960. Pieces are indexed on this site; a search will retrieve a catalog description of the pieces. An image of the cover and each page of music will also be retrieved if the music was published before 1923 and is in the public domain.
"Alabama State University has created a digital library to highlight its photographic and archival collection, representing items contained in personal and family papers, organizational records, and other manuscript collections acquired by Alabama State University. The images featured on this web site strongly reflect the history of Alabama State University, the modern civil rights movement, and the Black experience in central Alabama. They have been selected to allow the public an opportunity to glimpse the rich visual materials housed in the Archives at the Levi Watkins Learning and Resource Center, Alabama State University. "
A Resource Guide for the study of Black History & Culture designed by the Library of Congress. Includes sections on Colonization, Abolition, Migration and the WPA.
"Library and Archives Canada (LAC) helps Canadians gain a better understanding of who they are. It serves as the continuing memory of the federal government and its institutions and as the guardian of Canada’s distant past and recent history. "
"The Library Company of Philadelphia is an independent research library concentrating on American society and culture from the 17th through the 19th centuries. Free and open to the public, the Library Company houses an extensive non-circulating collection of rare books, manuscripts, broadsides, ephemera, prints, photographs, and works of art. Our mission is to foster scholarship in and increase public understanding of American history before 1900 by preserving and interpreting the valuable materials in our care. The Library Company connects with thousands of visitors annually, ensuring that the lessons of the past will continue to amaze, instruct, and inspire future generations. We serve a diverse constituency throughout Philadelphia and the nation, offering comprehensive reader services, an internationally renowned fellowship program, online catalogs, and regular exhibitions and public programs."
Digital collections available from the Library of Congress that highlight a vast number of resources on various subjects that have been digitized. It is only a small portion of what the LOC has available.
"The digitized selections offered here represent a few of the most interesting and important items in the collection, including a copy of the Gutenberg Bible, Thomas Jefferson’s copy of The Federalist, medieval manuscripts, books relating to cookery, children's literature, and many more."
"This online presentation includes items selected from the Federal Theatre Project Collection at the Library of Congress. Featured here are stage and costume designs, photographs, posters, playbills, programs, and playscripts, including productions of Macbeth and The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus as staged by Orson Welles, and Power, a topical drama of the period. Selected administrative documents from the project are also available."
"Search millions of photographs from the LIFE photo archive, stretching from the 1750s to today. Most were never published and are now available for the first time through the joint work of LIFE and Google."
"The LHL Digital Collections provide access to significant rare and fragile materials from the collections of the Linda Hall Library. Nearly a quarter million digitized images from the History of Science Collection offer researchers the opportunity to view such items as books, maps, photographs, and manuscripts. Also featured are collections inspired by the Library's exhibitions. "
"provide access to significant rare and fragile materials from the collections of the Linda Hall Library. Nearly a quarter million digitized images from the History of Science Collection offer researchers the opportunity to view such items as books, maps, photographs, and manuscripts. Also featured are collections inspired by the Library's exhibitions."
"... makes available, in a fully digitised and searchable form, a wide range of primary sources about eighteenth-century London, with a particular focus on plebeian Londoners. This resource includes over 240,000 manuscript and printed pages from eight London archives and is supplemented by fifteen datasets created by other projects. "
"The Louisiana Digital Library (LDL) is an online library of more than 144,000 digital items from Louisiana archives, libraries, museums, and other repositories, making unique historical treasure accessible to students, researchers, and the general public in Louisiana and across the globe. The items in the Louisiana Digital Library are as diverse and interesting as the people and places in Louisiana, with photographs, maps, manuscript materials, books, oral histories, and more documenting the state’s history and culture."
"The Lowcountry Digital Library digitizes and makes accessible unique local resources. In order to provide a well rounded digital collection, the library works with partner institutions in a collaborative manner to ensure the overall quality of the digital library. Moreover, it provides professional training and support for archive, library, and museum professionals throughout the region." (LowCounty South Carolina)
"... a project of the Maine Historical Society, provides access to thousands of historical items belonging to over 250 organizations from across Maine."
"A digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. The collection is particularly strong in the subject areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion, and science and technology. The collection currently contains approximately 10,000 books and 50,000 journal articles with 19th century imprints."
"The Cornell University Library Making of America Collection is comprised of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction."
"The Special Collections Division of The University of Manchester Library holds outstanding collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives. Some images of the highlights and treasures from these collections can now be viewed on-line in astonishing detail. Spanning five millennia, the manuscript collections include literary, historical, antiquarian, genealogical, biblical, devotional, ritualistic, medical, scientific, legal and administrative texts in numerous languages. The archives of the Methodist Church and the University of Manchester are well represented, in addition to examples of personal papers and family muniments. The printed book collections encompass almost all the landmarks of printing through five centuries, including magnificent illustrated books, examples of fine printing, landmark works in typography, key historical texts and exquisite bookbindings. "
This Digital Collection from the United States Institute of Peace contains primary documents relating to Peace Agreements and Truth Commissions worldwide. "The Institute library hopes that its digital collections will become research and learning tools on peaceful means to end international conflict."
The collection includes "...images of dramatic sea battles, sleek clipper ships, historic ports and harbors, rare Chinese fish prints, maps and charts in addition to our world renowned Chris-Craft and Edwin Levick Collections. "
"The Marxists Internet Archive (MIA, is an all-volunteer, non-profit public library, started more than 20 years ago in 1990. " It includes access to a variety of materials including primary sources in multiple languages. A review of the website is available from George Mason University's Center for history and New Media written by T. Mills Kelly George Mason University January 2003
Digital collections available from the Massachusetts Historical Society including: Adams Papers Digital Edition; Thomas Jefferson Digital Collection; Coming of the American Revolution; and others.
Provides access to a variety of digital collections related to Montana History. Collections include: Char-Koosta News; Early Montana Histories; Edith Reneau Diary, 1917; James Ball Diaries, 1906-1933; Joseph H. Jones Manuscript "The Rock Creek Massacre"; Mountain-Plains Native Americans and many more.
"Explore more than 80 digital projects covering a wide array of subjects including, art, architecture, history and literature, engineering, medicine, maps, music, and urban design."
"The Media History Digital Library digitizes collections of classic media periodicals that belong in the public domain for full public access. The project is supported by owners of materials who loan them for scanning, and donors who contribute funds to cover the cost of scanning."
"... a digital curation collaborative among some of the world’s leading medical libraries, promotes free and open access to quality historical resources in medicine. Our goal is to provide the means by which readers and scholars across a multitude of disciplines can examine the interrelated nature of medicine and society, both to inform contemporary medicine and strengthen understanding of the world in which we live. The MHL’s growing collection of digitized medical rare books, pamphlets, journals, and films number in the tens of thousands, with representative works from each of the past six centuries, all of which are available here through the Internet Archive." - See more at:
"Memory of the Netherlands is a gigantic digital treasury, full of information about the Dutch past. Visitors to the Memory website have access to hundreds of thousands of superb images, recordings, film footage and texts that have been classified under some fifty digital collections. Together, they offer a unique and varied picture of the history and culture of the Netherlands."
"This nationwide bilingual project will create a record of Canada’s participation in the Second World War and Korean War as seen through the eyes of thousands of veterans. The Memory Project will provide every living Second World War and Korean War veteran with the opportunity to share their memories through oral interviews and digitized artefacts and memorabilia. These stories and artefacts will be available on this site for teachers, students and the general public.
The Memory Project Archives is an initiative of Historica Canada and is made possible with generous funding from Canadian Heritage."
"The primary mission of the Watson Library Digitization Initiative is to expand access to the Library’s rare and unique materials by developing, supporting, and promoting a distinctive digital collection of these items."
"Miami University Libraries digital collections contain thousands of digital objects -including photographs, advertising tradecards, newspapers, manuscripts, and videos- from the collections of the University Libraries. Our goal is to preserve and provide easy access to the Miami University Libraries' unique and special collections to support student and faculty research both at Miami University and elsewhere. We encourage you to explore our digital collections and to come back again as we continue to add new materials and collections."
"The Michigan Pioneer and Historical Collections (MPHC) are an important but often overlooked Native American resource. Produced from materials presented at the annual meetings of the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society, the collections contain a high quantity of primary resources and historical papers concerning many aspects of Michigan's past. "
"The Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) supports discovery and education through access to unique digital collections shared by cultural heritage organizations from across the state of Minnesota. Our contributors include libraries, historical societies, museums, and archives. The Minnesota Digital Library also provides education and training opportunities concerning digitization best practices, metadata for digital collections, and digital preservation."
MDAH Digital Archives include:
electronic records received from government agencies and officials; donated and acquired electronic resources; digital copies of original materials from MDAH collections, including paper documents, photographs, maps, audio, and video
"... he collections of the Missouri State Archives, the Missouri State Library and more than 50 institutions from across the state."
Can be searched or browsed, includes resources for teachers, etc.
Digital collections from MSU include items such as: Domino Danzero Photograph Collection, The Katherine Lederer Exhibit Collection, Medieval Manuscripts and Early Printing Collection and more.
Digital collects available from the University of Michigan Library. Note: Some collections are restricted to University of Michigan students, but many provide public access.
"The Modernist Journals Project is a major resource for the study of modernism in the English-speaking world, with periodical literature as its central concern. Our primary mission is to produce digital editions of culturally significant magazines from around the early 20th century and make them freely available to the public on our website." A joint project of Brown University & the University of Tulsa
"'The Moldenhauer Archives at the Library of Congress contain approximately 3,500 items documenting the history of Western music from the medieval period through the modern era and is the richest composite gift of musical documents ever received by the Library. Before his death, Hans Moldenhauer (1906-1987) established a directive and provided funds for the Library of Congress to publish The Rosaleen Moldenhauer Memorial: Music History from Primary Sources: a Guide to the Moldenhauer Archives(2000). The book features a series of essays by musicologists discussing individual items from the Archives and contains a comprehensive inventory of the Moldenhauer Archives that are held in ten institutions worldwide."
"The Montana Memory Project (MMP) is an online source for digital collections relating to Montana’s cultural heritage. In part, these collections document the Montana experience. Access is free and open through the Internet. Many of these items are digitized copies of historic material, some items are contemporary. All serve as a resource for education, business, pleasure, and lifelong learning. "
Online exhibits from the The Morgan Library & Museum covering a wide variety of topics including: The Morgan Gutenberg Bible Online; Demons and Devotion: The Hours of Catherine of Cleves; Manuscripts and Letters of Oscar Wilde; John Milton's Paradise Lost; Apocalypse Then: Medieval Illuminations from the Morgan; and many more.
"The Mountain West Digital Library is a central search portal for digital collections about the Mountain West region. We provide free access to over 807,000 resources from universities, colleges, public libraries, museums, historical societies, and government agencies, counties, and municipalities in Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Arizona, Hawaii, and other parts of the U.S. West. - See more at:"
"Archives and Special Collections documents Mount Holyoke College’s past and present through letters, diaries, rare books, scrapbooks, photographs, ephemera, and other types of unique material. Opened in November 1837, Mount Holyoke was one of the first institutions of higher education in the United States to offer female students coursework equivalent to that available to male college students, and the school is the first of the historic Seven Sisters Colleges. Archives and Special Collections is a rich and lively resource for women’s history and the history of women in higher education."
Collections cover topics such as: Rangelands management, ecosystem sciences, and snow science; Indigenous cultures and native art of the western plains; Prominent Montana and regional historical figures and events; Montana State University, Bozeman, and Gallatin Valley history; and Yellowstone Park ecosystem and history
"... handles the digitization and online publication of the cultural heritage preserved by the Bavarian State Library and by other institutions. It provides one of the largest and fastest growing digital collections in Germany, now comprising 777,490 titles available online. Access is free of charge!"
"... is the public side of a digitization project that will enable Web visitors to discover ever-larger portions of the Museum's collections. We currently offer more than 62,000 photographs of New York City, thousands of which have never been available for public viewing. And this is just a start - more photography will be added to the portal as imaging and cataloging work is completed, and we have just begun digitizing the prints and drawings collections. "
"The Napoleonic Digital Library offers access to thousands of "Napoleonic" documents in the widest sense of the term (books, articles, engravings, etc), either scanned or transcribed in their entirety and available on the web, which are related to the First or Second Empires or published on those periods. These freely accessible documents come from either from the Fondation Napoléon itself or from other libraries worldwide (such as, for example, the French Bibliothèque Nationale and the Spanish Biblioteca Nacional)."
"The NDL Digital Collections enables a user to search and view a variety of resources, collected and stored by the National Diet Library of Japan." The Diet is Japan's legislature.
Digital Collections provides access to the National Library of Medicine's distinctive digital content in the areas of biomedicine, health care and the history of medicine. Our unique digital collections are freely available for download worldwide and in the public domain unless otherwise indicated.
"... view digitised material from the National Library of Scotland's outstanding collections." Collections include: Chapbooks, recipes, moving images, photos, letters and other publications from throughout Scottish history.
This library "covers a wide variety of subjects, including oceanography, marine education, aquaculture, fisheries, aquatic nuisance species, coastal hazards, seafood safety, limnology, coastal zone management, marine recreation and law. The NSGL staff lends documents all over the world to aid scientists, teachers, students, fishermen, and many other individuals in their research and studies." Search a bibliographic database to obtain citations and abstracts of Sea Grant publications. Full-text links are provided for available electronic items.
An independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University, the Archive collects and publishes declassified documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. The Archive also serves as a repository of government records on a wide range of topics pertaining to the national security, foreign, intelligence, and economic policies of the United States. Some of these items are accessible online for free.
"New Mexico Digital Collections is the central search portal for digital collections about New Mexico. A service of the University of New Mexico Libraries, we provide access to digitized photographs, manuscripts, posters, oral histories, videos, maps, and books from libraries, museums, and cultural centers across the state."
"The New School Archives Digital Collections presents images, text, audio and video from The New School Archives & Special Collections, home to primary source materials documenting the history of all divisions of The New School."
Access government publications related to technology provided by the National Coordination Office for Networking and Information Technology Research and Development. NITRD is "...the Nation's primary source of Federally funded revolutionary breakthroughs in advanced information technologies such as computing, networking, and software."
This site makes freely available the best-quality digital audio and selected transcripts for people who can not go to the NARA's Archives II facility in College Park, Maryland, or to the Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda, California. It also makes "the NARA-created tape logs (summaries of conversations), time codes, the president's daily diary, as well as pertinent information about each conversation that makes your listening experience better and to make the collection more accessible."
"Northern Illinois University's Digital Library (NIUDL) consists of unique digital collections that support the teaching and research mission of the University, including materials digitized from the NIU Libraries' collections, as well as collaborative projects with partners from around the world. This site primarily contains materials from Rare Books & Special Collections and the Regional History Center and University Archives, as well as collaborative projects like Lincoln/Net and Mark Twain's Mississippi. We also manage the dime novel digitization project, Nickels and Dimes, and the Southeast Digital Library, which are hosted separately."
Includes collections such as:
16th - 20th Century Maps of Africa; The Siege and Commune of Paris, 1870-1871; Humphrey Winterton Collection of East African Photographs: 1865-1965; World War II Poster Collection, and more.
An alphabetical listing of digital projects developed by NYU with brief descriptions. It includes: Afghanistan Digital Library, Arabic Collections Online, The Ancient World Digital Library, and Witness to the Early American Experience among others.
Digital collections include: Oberlin and Civil Rights; Sela G. Wright Digital Collection; Near East Relief Digital Collection along with a variety of other materials related to the history of the college.
Provides access to publications from the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development. Items indicated by a yellow smiley face are available free of charge.
OHSU Digital Commons is a repository for the scholarly and creative work of Oregon Health & Science University. Developed by the OHSU Library, Digital Commons provides the university community with a platform for publishing and accessing content produced by students, faculty, and staff. OHSU Digital Commons documents the history and growth of the university, as well as current progress in education, research, and health care.
"... an online resource of selected reference and primary source material, covering political, governmental, historical, geographical, social, cultural and biographical topics.These resources have been digitized from original materials housed in the Oklahoma Collection, a special collection housed on the first floor of the Oklahoma Department of Libraries."
"The digital collections of the Old Dominion University Libraries include rare and unique images, documents, oral histories, and video from our Special Collections and University Archives. "
"...provides free public access to detailed descriptions of primary resource collections maintained by more than 150 contributing institutions ..." If a collection has online items available it will be noted by an icon of an eye.
"The Library is where electronic versions of classic books about individual liberty are stored. These texts go back some 4,000 years and cover the disciplines of economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, political theory, religion, war and peace." Items are provided free of charge for educational use.
"University Archives & Special Collections in the Joseph P. Healey Library at UMass Boston collects materials related to the University's history, as well as materials that reflect the university's urban mission and strong support of community service, notably in collections of records of urban planning, social action, alternative movements, community organizations and local history related to neighboring communities including the Boston Harbor Islands."
"...include digital photos, books, newspapers, maps, videos, theses and more. These publicly-accessible collections are constantly growing and reflect the research interests of the UBC community and beyond."
JSTOR’s continuously expanding Open Community Collections feature freely accessible primary source materials in a wide variety of subjects contributed by libraries, museums, and archives.
"The Oviatt Library Digital Collections feature historically significant documents, photographs, oral histories, artistic works and exhibit materials selected from the Oviatt Special Collections and Archives. Additional project contributors include local heritage organizations, neighboring academic institutions and private collectors. The majority of these collections focus on Los Angeles history with emphasis on the San Fernando Valley. Other collections include digital reproductions of documents from the Civil War, Slavery and it's aftermath, Chinese antiquities, and photographs from our Old China Hands Archives that document the experiences of foreign residents of China in 1946. The CSU Japanese American Digitization Project brings together diverse World War II documents from across fifteen campuses of the California State University system."
"The PALNI (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Digital Collections bring together a variety of digital resources from 18 of the 24 academic libraries. The collections include photographs, rare books, newspapers, herbarium specimens, and artwork."
The Center for Research Libraries, the University of Chicago Library, and the ARTFL Project, (American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language) have cooperated on a project to digitize pamphlets and periodicals from the French Revolution of 1848 held by CRL as a test of electronic distribution of archive material via internet.
"Corpus Christi College and the Stanford University Libraries welcome you to Parker Library on the Web, a digital exhibit designed to support use and study of the manuscripts in the historic Parker Library at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. The Parker Library is a treasure trove of rare medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, as well as early printed books. Almost all manuscripts in the Parker Library collection have been fully digitised and are available in this exhibit, along with associated bibliographic references and annotations made by scholars from around the world."
"Digital collections and projects feature unique, primary-source materials for teaching, research, and discovery drawn from the Penn Libraries' signature collections or from our collaborations with the Penn community and with cultural heritage institutions. It provides access to important rare books, manuscripts, photographs and multimedia sources represented by images, texts, audio files, bibliographic databases, catalogs, and archival finding aids for the study of a wide array of subjects ranging from Philadelphia neighborhoods and the life of Marian Anderson to medieval manuscripts and Shakespeare's plays. In addition, this site gathers together Penn Libraries' pre-1923 materials publicly available through the Internet Archive as well as Penn-produced scholarship accessible in the ScholarlyCommons."
"The site offers bibliographic information and digital facsimiles for selected collections of manuscript codices, texts, documents, papers, and leaves held by Penn's Rare Book & Manuscript Library as well as those privately owned by Lawrence J. Schoenberg (C'53, WG'56).Penn holds over 2,000 Western manuscripts produced before the 19th century; medieval and Renaissance manuscripts comprise approximately 900 items, the earliest dating from 1000 A.D. Its holdings of Indic manuscripts is the largest in the Western hemisphere with more than 3,000 items. The Lawrence J. Schoenberg Collection emphasizes secular topics, especially science and mathematics, and includes tablets from the 21st to 18th centuries B.C."
"The University Libraries' Digitized Collections, close to 100 in all, cover a wide range of subject areas, including agriculture, the Civil War era, geology and geography of Pennsylvania, labor history, Pennsylvania history, Penn State history, and political protest. Many of these collections were digitized from holdings in the Special Collections Library."
The main collection was designed to cover "the history, literature and culture of the Greco-Roman world. " It includes both primary and secondary resources. Click on the Collections link to access these resources and resources for other topics including Arabic language documents; materials for the study of the Germanic Peoples; primary and secondary sources in early modern English literature; Issues of the Richmond Times Dispatch; Sources on the history of the 19th-century United States and Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
" a nonprofit organization of scientists and physicians committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a freely available public resource." Find out about the PLoS open access project and access free online journals.
"... is a select database that organizes the vast array of publicly available digital sources on the development of theology and philosophy during the early modern era (late 15th-18th c.). ... The PRDL does not directly host digital copies of sources, but rather assembles links to publicly available sources from permanent collections."
This site is from the Library of Congress. "...the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress is the nation's oldest and most comprehensive presidential library." The Library started a program to digitize these presidential collections in 1996. This page provides links to selected items that are currently available.
The Presidential Oral History Program is systematically and comprehensively debriefing the principal figures in the administrations of Presidents Carter, Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Clinton, with plans to do the same for future presidents. We are also conducting special projects on important topics in political history, including a six-year oral history on the life and career of Senator Edward M. Kennedy.
"... the online portal for annotated transcripts of the White House tapes published by the Presidential Recordings Program (PRP). Created by a team of scholars and researchers at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center, these transcripts are presented in PRDE alongside the corresponding audio, enabling users to read and listen to these conversations simultaneously. This effort at deciphering the presidential recordings and decoding their meaning allows these extraordinary documents, many of which would remain otherwise inaccessible, to come alive, providing an intimate view of life inside the Oval Office. (Read more about PRP in “The Presidential Recordings Program,” by Philip Zelikow, Ernest May, and Timothy Naftali)."
Digital items include pamphlets, broadsheets, articles, etc. Some items may be restricted for use by Princeton Theological Seminary students only, but many are available for free.
The digital collections available from Princeton University include collections such as: Block Prints of the Chinese Revolution, Historical Photograph Collection, Japanese and Chinese Prints and Drawings, Latin American Posters Collection, Princeton Digital Library of Islamic Manuscripts, etc.
"A fully searchable edition of the largest body of texts detailing the lives of non-elite people ever published, containing 197,745 criminal trials held at London's central criminal court. "
"The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is making the archival collections of leaders in biomedical research and public health available on its Profiles in Science web site. ... Many of the collections have been donated to NLM and contain published and unpublished items, including books, journal volumes, pamphlets, diaries, letters, manuscripts, photographs, audiotapes, video clips, and other materials."
"Pulp magazines (often referred to as "the pulps"), also collectively known as pulp fiction, refers to inexpensive fiction magazines published from 1896 through the 1950s."
"Queens College has several entities that steward distinctive collections. The Queens College Library's Special Collections and Archives is the repository for over 5,000 linear feet of college records, special collections, and rare books, with a specialty in civil rights and activism. The Godwin-Ternbach Museum, a part of the Kupferberg Center for the Visual and Performing Arts, is the only comprehensive collection of art and artifacts in the borough of Queens, housing nearly 6,000 works that date from ancient to modern times. The School of Arts, launched in 2022, is the most comprehensive of its kind in the City University of New York (CUNY), with a mission focused on building the community and diversity of artists, people who work in the business of the arts, and their audiences."
"This website provides Wisconsin residents and audiences worldwide with free access to a growing set of historical resources from the collections of libraries, archives, museums and historical societies across the state. But this site is a place for more than just viewing digital resources. You’re also invited to contribute your own memories, images, knowledge and thoughts."
"The Red Brush project is a collection of texts in Chinese from a wide range of writings from Imperial China, by and about women writers. The website for this collection is available in both English and Chinese. "
From the British Library, this site provides access to digitized versions of 253 Renaissance festival books. The books described festivals and ceremonies that took place in Europe The Texts section allows users to read the books in their original languages. The Experts Views area provides access to "high-level analysis and opinion from acknowledged experts, drawing on established scholarship." The Background Information section provides information about festival books. There is also a Basics section providing a brief overview on festivals, festival books, and what can be learned from them.
"The Gordon Collection comprises some 1200 volumes of French books dating from the sixteenth through the nineteenth century. Over 600 were printed before 1600, and many retain their original bindings. The collection, which came to the University of Virginia in 1986, was the bequest of the late Douglas Huntly Gordon of Baltimore, a prominent Maryland attorney, former president of St. John's College in Annapolis, and recipient of the French Légion d'Honneur and Palmes Académiques. A Francophile since his undergraduate days at Harvard, Mr. Gordon was one of the most distinguished American bibliophiles of the 20th century."
The thematic collections from Reveal Digital are sourced from a wide array of libraries, museums, historical societies, and individual collectors. Reveal Digital curates the content in collaboration with an editorial board of library leaders and provides a crowd-publishing model in which libraries pool funds to develop the collections. The results are open access primary source collections of great value to scholars and researchers.
The Library of Congress is the preeminent repository for manuscripts by American composer Samuel Barber (1910-1981). Many of his materials have been digitized and can be found here.
"We preserve much of the Bay Area's rich television history on film and broadcast video, from the Twentieth Century. Everything we digitize is made available to view online for free, in DIVA."
"Over 12,000 images from various collections of rare books, manuscripts, papyri, photographs and sheet music are available for your viewing. Each collection has its own web site that is unrestricted in the interests of knowledge and learning."University of Pennsylvania Libraries
"The initial Scriptorium website provided unrestricted public access to the manuscript images, and included a set of online pedagogical and research resources supporting late medieval and early modern manuscript studies. By gathering examples of different kinds of miscellany and commonplace book, it enabled users to explore and compare these distinctive and intriguing products of late medieval and early modern culture.
The images, now available in higher-resolution formats owing to the continued support of the partner libraries, are now part of the Cambridge Digital Library. Also included here are the detailed descriptions of the manuscripts, and other supporting information featured in the original site."
"South Dakota State University Archives and Hilton M. Briggs Library Special Collections contain the University Archives, as well as material related to South Dakota history and life."
Part of the Library of Congress American Memory Collection. It "... captures the heartfelt reactions, eyewitness accounts, and diverse opinions of Americans and others in the months that followed the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and United Airlines Flight 93. Patriotism and unity mixed with sadness, anger, and insecurity are common themes expressed in this online presentation of almost 200 audio and video interviews, 45 graphic items, and 21 written narratives." The collection can be searched or browsed by several features (title, subject, audio, photograph/drawing, video or written narrative.)
"is an independent educational organization dedicated to the research, collection, and exhibition of original manuscripts and historical documents.
The Foundation’s focus is on the histories of the United States and the Holy Land, with emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries. Its extensive holdings include American presidents, especially Abraham Lincoln; Mark Twain; Albert Einstein; Custer and the Little Big Horn; and Theodor Herzl.
The Foundation has partnered with both private and governmental institutions, such as the New-York Historical Society, Smithsonian Institution, the Library of Congress, the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, the Morgan Library and Museum, the National Library of Israel, and various presidential and private libraries."
"Smith Digital Collections is a gateway to digital collections and online exhibitions unique to Smith College. The collections feature images, audio, video and text from multiple repositories and platforms. These include the Libraries’ Special Collections, the Museum of Art, the Imaging Center, the Botanic Garden and select scholarly collections. Access to some of the Smith Digital Collections is limited to the Smith College community because of copyright and licensing restrictions."
"Smithsonian's History Explorer was developed by the National Museum of American History in partnership with the Verizon Foundation to offer hundreds of free, innovative online resources for teaching and learning American history."
Check the box next to Only return results with online media to only see items accessible online.Search over 6.4 million records with 536,000 images, video and sound files, electronic journals and other resources from the Smithsonian's museums, archives & libraries. Description from site
"... contains digital publications, collections and objects including online exhibitions, webcasts, digital editions, bibliographies and fact sheets, and finding aids/inventories for collections such as our trade literature collection and artist files."
The collection covers various topics with titles such as:
African American Film Materials; Archives of Women of the Southwest; Belo Records, 1842-2007; Civil War: Photographs, Manuscripts, and Imprints; Fifteenth-Century Printed Books; Texas Instruments Records; and others.
"Social History for Every Classroom (formerly HERB) is a database of primary documents, classroom activities, and other teaching tools in U.S. history. SHEC reflects ASHP/CML’s mission of making the past, and the working people and ordinary Americans who shaped it, vivid and meaningful."
"...brings together a host of ephemeral records and artifacts that "document America's local and national music history and its diverse cultures." The heart of the collection is, not surprisingly, a massive archive of John Philip Sousa's personal papers and documents. In the "Research the Collections" area, visitors can browse through an alphabetical listing of the digitized materials, which include sheet music, newspaper clippings, and so on."Copyright 2010 Internet Scout Project -
"... a collaborative effort that includes South Carolina’s schools, libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural heritage institutions. SCDL’s mission is to encourage our collaborators to create, maintain, and promote digital collections that represent South Carolina's historical and cultural resources while following state-level guidelines that are based on national standards and best practices. "
"The South Dakota Digital Archives was launched in January 2012 by the South Dakota State Archives to provide digital access to unique historical records. This site features materials such as photographs, reports and other media from the archives collections. "
"... is a collection of European travel accounts of pre-modern Southeast Asia from Cornell University Library's John M. Echols Collection. The site provides online access to more than 350 books and journal articles written in English and French. The works in the collection were selected for the quality of their first-hand observations and, together, provide a comprehensive representation of Southeast Asia. "
Cornell University Library
"Southeastern Native American Documents, 1730-1842, contains approximately 2,000 documents and images relating to the Native American population of the Southeastern United States from the collections of the University of Georgia Libraries, the University of Tennessee at Knoxville Library, the Frank H. McClung Museum, the Tennessee State Library and Archives, the Tennessee State Museum and the Museum of the Cherokee Indian. The documents are comprised of letters, legal proceedings, military orders, financial papers, and archaeological images relating to Native Americans in the Southeast."
"The Southern Historical Collection (SHC) encourages the study and appreciation of the history and culture of the American South by collecting, preserving and promoting the use of unique documentary materials of enduring historical value. The SHC does this to enable users to derive meanings from the southern past and to support the University’s mission of teaching, research and service."
"The State Historical Society of Missouri Digital Collections provide online access to photographs, art, maps, diaries, letters, newspapers, books, articles, and oral histories telling the story of Missouri’s history, people, and culture.
Please note that historical materials are products of their time, and some of these materials may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes. The State Historical Society of Missouri does not endorse any views expressed in these collections."
Provides the access to the Middle English text series for use by teachers and students. "The on-line texts provided here are meant for individual use only. To download and make multiple copies for course use, you must have permission from the managing editor of Medieval Institute Publications."
"Our Digital Collections site offers free worldwide access to the unique primary historical and cultural resources held by the Temple University Libraries and to selected scholarly works and other publications produced at Temple."
"a virtual repository of a substantial cross-section of the Archives' most significant collections. Since 2005, over one hundred archival collections have been scanned and posted online in their entirety. In addition, more than 12,000 documents have been individually catalogued and are accessible through the Image Gallery."
Access digital collections on a wide variety of topics such as:
Cushing Historical Images Collection; Hereld Fanzine Collection; Historical Maps of Cuba; Texas A&M University Newspaper Collection; Wheelan Collection; World War I Postcards; etc.
Provides online access to a variety of exhibits and collections related to Texas history. Examples include: Civilian Conservation Corps Drawing (1933-1958); Historical Map Collection; Voices of Texas History; etc.
Collections include: Alumni Association - Texas TechsanBook CollectionDigital Dickens - All the Year RoundDyal Ship CollectioneBook DonationsFunctionalism in American PsychologyHistorians of the Frontier West CollectionHistory of Texas CollectionLa VentanaLubbock Area Maps & ManuscriptsLubbock City Planning Materials CollectionMatthew Arnold CollectionPrigmore Book CollectionPrigmore Family History CollectionRare Books & Materials CollectionRussian Books & JournalsSociological Theory CollectionTexas Soil SurveysTTU Historical Cookbooks
"This digital collection provides comprehensive access to the papers of Thomas E. Watson (1856-1922), a prominent Southern Populist politician, lawyer, and author. Using this digital collection, researchers may search and browse digitized materials from the correspondence and pictures series, or browse digitized materials from all of the series in the collection using the finding aid. "
Examine every page of rare historic works; compare different editions side-by-side; choose standard or magnified view; read supporting material by our curators and other experts.
Shakespeare in Quarto
Caxton's Chaucer
Gutenberg Bible
Magna Carta
Renaissance Festival Books
Sample: Malory's Arthurian manuscript
"... consists of pamphlets ranging in date from the late 1600s to the late 1800s. Trial pamphlets are contemporary accounts of trials that involved prominent citizens or that dealt with especially controversial or lurid topics. These pamphlets were produced quickly and inexpensively, and then sold on the street soon after the trial to a mass audience. The paper used to print the pamphlets was of a lower quality (ephemera) and the pamphlets were not bound. Thus, the pamphlets were not meant to survive much past their initial use. The content of the individual pamphlets varies widely. "
"The Native Writers Digital Text Project brings the works of Native poets and writers of fiction and other prose to readers world wide. Featuring out-of-print literary efforts of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and First Nations people of Canada, the project seeks to broaden the definition of “Native Writing” not only by focusing on writers who are not ordinarily anthologized, but also by publishing works which originally appeared in “ephemeral” sources and the periodical press, especially in those publications edited and produced by Natives."
Please read the Terms of Use section of the site.
"The TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections include unique and rare archival collections, manuscripts, publications, ephemera, maps, photographs, and audiovisual content, including oral histories, from Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore Colleges. The TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections provides an access point for searching the digitized and born-digital collections of three colleges founded on the Quaker traditions of social conscience and thoughtful citizenship. "
"The mission of Tulane University Digital Library (TUDL), a project of Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, is the production and delivery of digitized and native digital holdings that support the teaching, research and public service goals of the University. The online communities of scholars, students and the public have access to the rare and unique collections in areas such as Latin American studies, jazz, New Orleans and Louisiana history and architecture as well as Tulane University Archives."
"The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is an independent Federal agency that preserves our nation's history and defines us as a people by overseeing the management of all Federal records." The website provides information and access to a variety of public documents and other resources available from NARA. Some are accessible in digital formats through the website. Users can search the site by keyword, use the site index, or navigate through the various sections to find what is available.
"he digital collections of the UAMS Library Historical Research Center (HRC) provide access to a selection of materials related to the history of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and the health sciences in Arkansas. Images of items from the physical holdings of the HRC constitute the bulk of these collections. For any items not held by the HRC, the specific repository or owner is listed in the Repository field in the item record. Digitization of historical materials is on-going for those collections which feature an RSS feed."
The UCL digital collections include items from such as the George Orwell Archive, exhibitions, special collections, Montefiore Testimonials, Medieval Manuscript fragments, and other items. Access to some materials may be restricted.
"UC Press E-Books Collection, 1982-2004, is managed by the Publishing Group at the California Digital Library. As one of the University of California libraries, the CDL supports the assembly and creative use of the world's scholarship and knowledge for the UC libraries and the communities they serve. The Publishing Group program facilitates innovation and experimentation in the production and dissemination of scholarly works.
Almost 2,000 electronic editions of academic books have been published online at the UC Press E-Books Collection, 1982-2004, web site. All E-Books in the collection are available for free to UC faculty, staff, and students. Additionally, more than 25 percent of the books are available for free to the public."
Digital collections covering a variety of topics such as: Latin American Political Campaign Ephemera Collection; Dr. Seuss Collection and the Spanish Civil War Collection
"The ULS has digitized over 115,000 unique objects (resulting in over two million digital pages and images!) from several special collecting units, including the Archives & Special Collections and Center for American Music as well as several Pitt Faculty members and regional partner institutions. Note that guides (i.e., finding aids) to our archives and manuscript collections are included here too"
"... is the central access point for electronic books and journals provided by the University of Michigan Digital Library Production Service. " Some collections are restricted; others are open to public use.
Provides online access to a variety of digital collections including: Civil Rights Greensboro, Digital Library of American Slavery, Women's Veterans Historical Collection, etc.
"The Universal Library Project, sometimes called the Million Books Project, was pioneered by Jaime Carbonell, Raj Reddy, Michael Shamos, Gloriana St Clair, and Robert Thibadeau of Carnegie Mellon University."
"This site features materials such as photographs, maps, newspapers, posters, reports and other media from the University of Washington Libraries, University of Washington Faculty and Departments, and organizations that have participated in partner projects with the UW Libraries. The collections emphasize rare and unique materials."
"... a variety of collections containing such material as digitized diaries, manuscripts, photographs, sound recordings, personal papers, reports and legislation. "
Includes collections such as:
American Environmental Photographs, 1891-1936; Bakwin, Dr. Harry and Dr. Ruth Morris Bakwin. Soviet Posters. Collection; Chopin Early Editions; Manuscripts on Cultural Anthropology, 1931-1992; Paper Dolls. Collection; Wells, Ida B. Papers, 1884-1976 and many more.
Some collections may have materials that are for UC students only.Open access collections include several music collections, medieval manuscript leaves, a collection of literary letters, and many more.
Covers a wide variety of topics using materials from UConn's Archives & Special Collections including: Activism, Business & Industry, Connecticut History, etc.
"The University of Delaware Library collections parallel the University's academic interests and are broadly based and comprehensive. The collections include books, periodicals, electronic resources, databases, E-Books, E-Journals, microforms, government publications, maps, manuscripts, media, and access to information via the Internet provide a major academic resource for the University of Delaware, the surrounding community, the State of Delaware, and the nation. "
"... hosts more than 300 outstanding digital collections, containing over 7 million pages of unique manuscripts and letters, antique maps, rare children's literature books, theses and dissertations, newspapers, historic photographs, oral histories, and more. The University of Florida Digital Collections (UFDC) enables users to find unique and rare digitized materials held at the University of Florida and partner institutions. "
"The Digital Collections at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa Library include historical and cultural material that has been scanned and made available online. Some projects were funded in part or in full by grants. Grant applications, reports, and web statistics related to specific digital imaging projects are available. Many other projects were started and/or completed by the efforts of students working in Library and Information Studies Program Internships. These collections feature scanned material from the Archives and Manuscript Collections, the Asia Collection, art works from the Jean Charlot Collection, resources related to Hawai’i and Pacific culture and history, and material from the Rare Collection."
"... makes available digital collections of materials documenting the University of Houston, city of Houston, and state of Texas, as well as other historically and culturally significant materials. "
Provides access to a variety of digital collections such as: Northwest Historical Postcards Collection; Nez Perce Historical Photograph Collection; Carleton Watkins Mine Interiors Collection; and more.
Includes Digital Collections such as: Diaries and Letters of the Civil War; Daily Iowan Historic Newspapers; Historic Sheet Music; Medieval Manuscripts; and many more.
The University of Louisville Digital Collections include rare and unique images, documents, and oral histories from our archives, special collections, and other campus units.Description from site
"The Gateway to Digital Collections provides online access to thousands of selected, digitized materials in all formats ---- full text, image, sound, video,and finding aids. The materials are among the special collections made available by the UMS Libraries, in collaboration with other campus units, and in partnership with other cultural institutions in Maine."
"The University of Miami Libraries Digital Collections provide online access to primary source materials to support teaching, learning, and research at the University and worldwide.
Digital Collections features images, text, and audiovisual content from the University of Miami Libraries, including the Cuban Heritage Collection, Special Collections, University Archives, Architecture Research Center, Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science Library, Martha and Austin Weeks Music Library, and the Louis Calder Memorial Library, as well as distinctive collections developed in collaboration with non-library partners.
University of Miami Digital Collections reflects a small portion of the Libraries’ distinctive materials. Please visit the University of Miami Archival Collections page and the University of Miami library catalog to learn more about all of the Libraries’ holdings."
"The Department of Archives & Special Collections contains archival papers, photographs, films, and sound recordings related to Mississippi, the Blues, the University of Mississippi, and the American South."
"Digital Collections contains digital versions of books, letters, photographs, and other items from the collections of the University of New Hampshire Library. "
"The UNT Digital Library is a centralized repository for the rich collections held by the libraries, colleges, schools, and departments at the University of North Texas. "
Access a variety of materials on Notre Dame history including student newspapers dating back to the 1960s; William Tecumseh Sherman Family Papers, 1808 - 1891; Correspondence of Rev. Edward Sorin, CSC, 1839 - 1893; Theodore M. Hesburgh Speeches, 1947 - 1991 and more.
"Explore the URI Libraries’ unique digital holdings, from current scholarship to digitized materials from the University Archives and Special Collections."
A variety of digital archival collections, such as the AIDS Education Collection, Ellwanger and Barry Horticultural Prints, The Empty Closet, the Kenneth B. Keating Collection, and many more.
Contains a number of digital collections including: University of Scranton Photos and Documents; University of Scranton Football; Abe L. Plotkin Collection (WWII); Joseph Polakoff Collection (WWII, Central America, political history); etc.
"Consistent with the University Libraries’ mission to make collections accessible worldwide, the Digital Collections department scans rare, unique, and fragile items held by University Libraries and publishes them online for researchers on campus and around the world. Every effort is made to portray true color and likeness without any editing. All items are described, many can be downloaded, and all can be cited in your research. "
"Spanning a wide range of visual media, the USC Digital Library offers digital images of drawings, illuminated manuscripts, maps, photographs, posters, prints, rare illustrated books, as well as audio and video recordings. Encompassing the subject strengths of the vast collections of the libraries at the University of Southern California, these materials represent the applied sciences, fine and decorative arts, history, performing arts, and social sciences."
"We provide public access to the unique historical and cultural resources held by UTSA Special Collections. These materials represent a selection of our growing collection of photographs, archival documents, oral histories, rare books, and University Archives."
Access a variety of digitized materials from the Toronto University libraries including collections such as: Agnes Chamberlin Digital Collection; Books Online; Canadian Pamphlets and Broadsides; Medici Archive Project; and many more.
"The Center for Digital Initiatives makes unique research collections available online." Collections include: Civil War Broadsides and Ephemera, Congressional Speeches, Louis L. McAllister Photographs, Photographs of Vergennes (Vt.) and many more.
"...the digital asset management system used by UVic Libraries to store and provide access to digitized materials both from the rare and unique holdings in Special Collections and University Archives and from UVic Libraries’ project partners."
Digital collections from the library at the University of Wisconsin. The collections cover a variety of topics including African Studies, Foreign Relations of the United States, the Gay Peoples Union Collection, PrimateImages Collection, etc.
"The Digital Collections at the UWM Libraries include over 130,000 photographic images, maps, and books drawn from the collections of the American Geographical Society Library, the Archives, Special Collections, and the Curriculum Collection."
"The AHC is actively engaged in mass digitizing its most prominent holdings to allow for remote researcher access to collection material. Our Digital Collections website showcases material from all of our collections. "
"... is an electronic archive of two communities in the American Civil War--Augusta County, Virginia, and Franklin County, Pennyslvania. The Valley Web site includes searchable newspapers, population census data, agricultural census data, manufacturing census data, slaveowner census data, and tax records. The Valley Web site also contains letters and diaries, images, maps, church records, and military rosters. The Valley project is a University of Virginia research project funded in part by the National Endowment of the Humanities."
"The letters' authors are all noted; most are written by Vincent van Gogh and Theo van Gogh. Most translations into English [are] by Vincent's sister Johanna van Gogh-Bonger. Additional translations by Robert Harrison, and others." Letters are searchable or can be browsed by topic.
Includes collection on a variety of topics such as: Albert Einstein, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Images of Early Vassar, Newspaper Archives, Oral Histories, Student Letters and much more.
Access first hand accounts from U.S. war vetrans. It currently covers the following: WWI (1914-1920), WWII (1939-1946), Korean War (1950-1955), Vietnam War (1961-1975), Persian Gulf War (1990-1995), Afghanistan and Iraq Conflicts (2001-). Accounts are also provided by U.S. civilians who participated in the war effort (USO workers, war industry workers, etc.)
"The goal of the Victorian Women Writers Project is to produce highly accurate transcriptions of works by British women writers of the 19th century." Works "include anthologies, novels, political pamphlets, religious tracts, children's books, and volumes of poetry and verse drama." The site can be searched. Users can also select works alphabetically by the author's last name.
"This database contains leaflets and newspapers that were distributed on the University of Washington campus during the decades of the 1960s and 1970s. They reflect the social environment and political activities of the youth movement in Seattle during that period"
Provides access to the digital collections of Villanova University. Examples include: Cuala Press Broadside Collection; Joseph McGarrity Collection; a Manuscript Collection and an Image Collection etc.
"... is home to a number of digital projects spanning the range of American history, from the Jamestown settlement, to the Civil War, to the Civil Rights movement. These projects are built to be used by K-12 educators, and the general public, as well as by college students, and scholars."
"Virginia Memory is part of the online presence of the Library of Virginia, the state archives and reference library at the seat of government for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Established in 1823, the Library maintains vast and varied collections of print materials, manuscripts, archival records, newspapers, photographs and ephemera, maps and atlases, rare books, and fine art that tell the history of the commonwealth and its people. Since the mid-1990s, the Library has digitized parts of the collections in an effort to make our materials more widely available to our online users."
"This site features digital collections of rare and unique materials such as letters, diaries, photographs, films, maps, newspapers, posters, reports and other media from the Special Collections of Virginia Tech."
Lists and links for women's history institutions and organizations to help users locate archival and library collections. It also provides links to various resources on women's history available online.
" "The Virtual Vault gives you the chance to see images of historical documents close to actual size, enabling you to carry out research. " Document categories include: Military Records; Passports; Court Records; Property Records; Tax Records; Lighthouse Records; Emigration Records; Railway Records; and Poor Relief Records.
Digital Collections include items such as: Ira W. Thomas Collection; George L. Bright Civil War Diary; Confederate Broadsides; Joseph E. Smith Music Manuscript Collection; etc.
"WakeSpace is Wake Forest University's institutional repository. It is designed to collect, preserve, and disseminate the scholarly research output produced by WFU faculty, students, and staff."
"The Walden Woods Project preserves the land, literature and legacy of Henry David Thoreau to foster an ethic of environmental stewardship and social responsibility. The Project achieves this mission through the integration of conservation, education, research and advocacy."
"The Walter Scott Digital Archive is an Edinburgh University Library online resource created in the Special Collections Division." The site includes a biography of Scott, information on his works with links to electronic versions if available, and an annotated bibliography of material published on Scott since January of 2000. In addition the site includes images, portraits, correspondence, and other Scott related resources.
"... is an electronic research and teaching tool that sets out to make Whitman’s vast work, for the first time, easily and conveniently accessible to scholars, students, and general readers." The site provides access to a variety of materials for studying Whitman and his works.
"A selection of World War I and II posters from the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections Division collections. Included are propaganda on purchasing war bonds, the importance of national security and posters from allied and axis powers."
"A collaborative project between the University of Minnesota Libraries and the Hennepin County Library, this collection contains posters from government, commercial, and charitable organizations."
"You can browse and search all Washington & Lee University Digital Archive content. Most items are available online without restriction, but some are limited to members of the Washington and Lee community at the request of the author. You can access the originals of these works by visiting our Special Collections and Archives Department. Also, some works become available online only after an initial embargo period has ended."
"The Washington State Digital Archives is the nation's first archives dedicated specifically to the preservation of electronic records from both State and Local agencies that have permanent legal, fiscal or historical value."
Digital collections on a variety of topics such as: Hutchison Studio Photographs, WSU Historical Texts, The Influenza Epidemic of 1918 at WSU, Women in the West Oral Histories, Washington State Women's History Selections, Civil Rights Oral History Interviews, Pullman Tribune, etc.
Digital historical collections available from Washington University. Includes maps, photographs, oral histories, etc. Categories include Northwest History, Ethnic History, Film, Photographs, and Texts. The collections may be searched or browsed. An advanced search feature is also available.
This interlinked hypertext was first created in Spring 1999 by Virginia Commonwealth University graduate students studying in Professor Ann Woodlief's class in Studies in American Transcendentalism. It includes essays, biographical information, texts, and links to additional resources.
The Westchester County Archives Digital Collections provide access topublic records such as: maps, atlases, and photographs, as well as a growing number of documentary collections.
"... is a special collection within the University of Oklahoma Libraries system. Its purpose is to enhance the University Libraries general collection on the history of the American West; to support the research and teaching programs of the University of Oklahoma; and to provide opportunities for research through the acquisition, preservation, and access of materials relating to the development of the Trans-Mississippi West and Native American cultures."
The Western Waters Digital Library (WWDL) provides free public access to digital collections of significant primary and secondary resources on water in the western United States. These collections have been made available by research libraries belonging to the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA) and other academic library partners. The WWDL is a valuable resource for researchers, policy makers, scholars, Native American tribes, professionals working in various fields, and others interested in contemporary and historic water issues.
Description from site
"The Westminster Assembly (1643-1653) was both the largest parliamentary committee of the English civil war and the last of the great post-Reformation synods. ... The Westminster Assembly Project exists to make the writings of the Westminster Assembly and its members available to scholars and to the general public."
The site was created by the Cather Project. "On this site you will find information about the Project and our activities and a wealth of biographical and scholarly resources relating to Cather and her work. The Cather Archive, which is regularly updated and searchable, publishes unique scholarship and electronic versions of scholarship and Cather-authored texts that have already appeared in hard copy. Additionally, the Cather Archive provides access to primary source material from the Cather collections at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries and elsewhere. Materials appearing on this site have been peer-reviewed and vetted in accordance with traditional scholarly standards."
"The Digital Archive contains once-secret documents from governments all across the globe, uncovering new sources and providing fresh insights into the history of international relations and diplomacy. "
"Explore our online collections of selected images of rare books, trade catalogs, manuscripts, ephemera, and photographs related to the study of art, decorative arts and design, everyday life in America, and Winterthur’s estate history. "
"... The collection includes: U.S. Department of Labor publications, trade union and labor history materials, labor leaders’ biographies, statistical abstracts and more."
"The Cornell University Library Witchcraft Collection is an online selecton of titles from the Cornell University Library's extensive collection of materials on Witchcraft. The Witchcraft Collection is a rich source for students and scholars of the history of superstition and witchcraft persecution in Europe."
"This collection contains manifestos, speeches, essays, and other materials documenting various aspects of the Women's Movement in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s. The Women's Liberation Movement refers to a series of campaigns for reforms on issues such as reproductive rights, domestic violence, and equal pay. Feminist print culture, such as the examples provided in the collection, supported and sustained the Women¹s Movement and connect it to other movements for social justice. "
"The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world."
An archive of primary sources from World War I gathered by volunteers of the World War I Military History List (WWI-L). "The archive is international in focus and intends to present in one location primary documents concerning the Great War. " Documents can be searched by keyword or browsed. Includes links to other WWI related sites.
Primary source documents relating to World War II and to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Hosted by the ibiblio website, "a conservancy of freely available information, including software, music, literature, art, history, science, politics, and cultural studies. is a collaboration of the Center for the Public Domain and The University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill."
" The Archives collects, manages, and preserves public records from Wyoming state and local governments that have long term administrative, legal, and historical value. These records document the history of the state and the activities of Wyoming’s government offices. Non-government records that contribute to an understanding of the state’s history are also collected"
Includes a variety of items such as: Historical Medical Posters; Yale Medicine Thesis Digital Library; Civil War Photographs; Prints and Drawings; etc.
"is a cooperative project of the Idaho Commission for Libraries and all state agencies. It is a searchable centralized collection of digital publications that are created by state agencies for the purpose of public information. It was created by state statute 33-2505."
"Boatwright Library’s Digital Engagement Team creates digital collections of University publications, of archival materials held by the University, and of materials that advance learning and research at and beyond the University. They execute or manage each stage in this process, from digitization of print or analog materials to the creation of transcriptions and metadata, and from the development of digital collections to the long-term preservation of digital materials for future generations."