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World War II Resources: Finding Books

A guide to primary and secondary sources about World War II.

Catalog Search

select a search type from the drop down list



When you find something you want:

  • Note the Location – Reference, General Collection, Oversize, etc.
  • Check the Status to see if the item has been checked out (indicated by a due date)
  • Write down the Call Number
  • Click on Map it and write down the Row Number


Teacher and Brain You can also try this library tutorial on call numbers!

Search Types

Search Types

  • Keyword

Looks for the words anywhere in the record

May produce too many hits

Can use multiple words

Does not search the full text of the book

If you start with a keyword search on your topic - you can click on the subject headings to find related items

(blue box on the sample record to the right)

  • Title

Looks for the title of the book

You can type in the, a, etc. or not  you will get the same results (The Merchant of Venice or Merchant of Venice)

You won't get the right results if you type in the title wrong (Venice Merchant); use the keyword or author search instead

  • Subject

Looks for the main subject of the book

Your specific topic could be in a book dealing with the overall subject that your topic falls under; so you may need to search for a broader subject

If you type in the subject Causes of the Civil War or United States History Civil War Causes you won't find what you need

Instead type in the subject United States History Civil War - you will find general books about U.S. Civil War which may contain chapters on the causes

Also scroll through the sub-headings and you will see United States History Civil War 1861 1865 Causes

If you start with a keyword search on your topic - you can click on the subject headings to find related items

(blue box on the sample record to the right)

  • Author

Type in the author's name Last Name, First (London, Jack or London, J)

Sample Record

How do I find it on the shelf?

  • Location:

Think of it as the neighborhood where the book lives

  • Stacks (bookshelves):

Think of it as the building in which a book lives.

  • Call Number:

Think of it as the apartment number of the book

  • Status:

Tells you if the book will be at home or not

If status says DUE, place a hold by clicking the Request button on the book screen, but ask at Circulation if you need help!



sample record


How do I find it on the shelf?

Try Map It!

map it function

Find it on the shelf!

Go to the neighborhood (location) where the book lives

  • Most books are located in the General Collection - which is downstairsbook

Other locations include:

  • Oversize (a special area in the General Collection)
  • Juvenile (a special area in the General Collection)
  • Learning Resources (a special area in the General Collection)
  • Reference (2nd floor - across from the Media Center)
  • Oversize Reference (a special area in the General Collection)
  • New Books (upstairs in Summerville)
  • Liberty (upstairs in Summerville)
  • Vogen (upstairs in Blechman)

Find the building (stacks/shelves) where the book lives

  • Check the end of the shelves and use the guides to decide on the right one
  • The first call number on the end is the first book on the shelf - the last call number belongs to the last book on the shelf
  • Your book will fall somewhere in between

Find the apartment number (call number) where the book lives

Break it down

  • First line is the letters - read them alphabetically
  • Next is the number - read them as if you are counting
  • For each line the letters and numbers start over again
  • The final number only line (if there is one) is the date the book was published
  • Check that same area for other books of interest, so look right, look left, look up and look down!

What if it isn't there?

What if I still don't understand how to find it?

Don't Panic! Get Help!

Can't Find it? - Don't Panic! - Get Help!


If a book you need is not on the shelf where it should be, please ask at the Circulation Desk.

  • They will make sure it isn't listed as checked out (due); on reserve; missing; in process; etc.
  • They will double check the shelves -

Sometimes things get slightly misplaced or maybe you just missed it.

A second pair of eyes could help!

Don't be embarrassed - we love helping people!

  • If they can't find it for you please fill out a search slip.

This lets us check some more - the book may have been shelved incorrectly, put in the wrong location, etc. and may take time to find it.

  • If the books is determined to be missing - you can request it using the Interlibrary Loan Service - just note that it was missing from the shelf and the library staff couldn't find it.



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