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World War II Resources: Borrowing

A guide to primary and secondary sources about World War II.


Have a question about checking out books?

Contact the Circulation Desk at

(757) 594-7133  or

Library Card

Your CNU ID card serves as your library card. The CNU ID allows check out of materials. CNU ID cards may be obtained at the David Student Union Welcome Desk, with a valid photo ID and class schedule.

Loan Periods, Limits, & Fines

Students, Staff, and Lifelong Learners
Note: Maximum number of items checked out at a time is 50.

Type of Material Loan Period Maximum Renewals
Per Item
Fines Per Item*
Circulating Books 30 days 2 No overdue fines*
Media (DVDs & BluRays) 7 days 1 $1.00 per day
Media-CDs 30 days 2 No overdue fines
Media-Equipment 2 days 1 $2.00 per day
Media-Short Term Loan 4 hours 1 $0.50 per hour
Media-Laptops 4 hours 1 $2.00 per hour
Media Reserves 4 hours 0 $0.50 per hour
Reserves-Hourly 2, 24, or 48 hours,
depending on the item
0 $0.50 per hour
Reserves-Daily 5, 7, 14, or 30 days,
depending on the item
0 $1.00 per day

*Overdue fines are not charged for Circulating Books. 

However, if overdue more than 60 days, patrons will be charged for
the item replacement cost, along with a $25 non-refundable billing/processing fee.

If material is returned after the bill is issued, the patron will be charged a $10 billing fee.

VTC Card and VIVA Cooperative Borrowing

As a CNU student, faculty, or staff member you are able to borrow materials from libraries at other area colleges and universities that belong to the Virginia Tidewater Consortium (VTC) for Higher Education.  BEFORE you go to another library, you must fill out a short VTC application and obtain a borrower card at the Circulation Desk in the Trible Library.  You must present the VTC borrower card and your CNU ID at a member institution library in order to borrow materials.  The VTC cards are good for one semester.

The VIVA Cooperative Borrowing Program allows students, faculty, and staff at CNU to go to participating libraries to borrow materials on-site. The link contains a list of VIVA Member institutions, their status in this program, and what is required to verify current student, faculty, or staff status once you get there.

Trible Library provides links to other websites to aid in research and is not responsible for the content or privacy policy of those sites.