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Physics, Computer Science, and Engineering Resources: Library Resources

Brief list of resources for quick reference

Library Databases of Interest

These are the primary databases categorized for PCSE.  They are not all full text, but contain links to Journal Finder if full text is not available.  Articles can be obtained within 3 business days via Interlibrary Loan.

CNU ONLY  Off campus access information

Not a Library subscription database, but a go-to source in Physics for article pre-prints.

e-Book collections

Finding the Full Text

Use Browzine to see if the library has access to a journal.

Use Interlibrary Loan for items not accessible in the library.

Subject Guide

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Trible Library at CNU
Paul & Rosemary Trible Library

Visit Us
1 Avenue of the Arts
Newport News, VA 23606

Circulation: 757-594-7133
Media: 757-594-8894
Subjects: Interdisciplinary
Trible Library provides links to other websites to aid in research and is not responsible for the content or privacy policy of those sites.