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ENVS 690 - Evidence Based Decision Making: Other Useful Information

Spring 2023 - Dr. Waldien

Library Catalog Search

What's in the CNU Library? Use the library catalog  to find books and media materials.


Once you find a book you are interested in, use the blue Map It button to have its location in our library stacks identified.  Ask at a Circulation Desk if you need help locating the item!

Science eBooks

You will find many eBooks in the library catalog, but you can also search our Science book collections separately at these locations:

Search Tips

Finding the Full Text

Use "Journal Finder" - either the link near the article citation, or on the Library's home page.  Just type in the journal name and check for the date you need.

If there are no results -
Use ILL@CNU, the Interlibrary Loan system to request the article you need.

Journal Abbreviations

Search these databases to find the actual title of an abbreviated journal title. Example: J. Exp. Bot. = Journal of Experimental Botany

Cited By

Cited By searching

You will often see the term "Cited by" in databases or next to article citations or abstracts.  This is a research tool that identifies publications that have cited that particular publication.  For example, if you have identified an article that is helpful to your research you may be able use the cited by information to find out who cited it in their bibliographies.

This is the opposite of using a bibliography/works cited to see what article the authors used in their article.  Therefore, if it is a recently published article, no one else may have cited it yet.  But for older aticles, this can be a good way to stumble on related, more current research.  Also, if an article has been cited by others a large number of times, the original article may be of importance.

CNU does not subscribe to specialized citation databases, but there are still ways to determine this information.

Generally the strategy is to search for the article title or author’s name and work to find the original article. Once you have found it, there will be a link to “cited by” or “cited references” which should give you a link of sources that cite that original article.

ProQuest and EbscoHost databases often include a Cited By link for citations.

Google Scholar provides these links below the citation in the search results.

ScienceDirect and journals published by Elsevier will have a "Citing and recommended articles" box to the right of the article.

PubMed provides these link when  you click on an article title and view the abstract.  The "Cited by" articles can be found in the right hand column under the "Cited by # PubMed Central article(s)".

Journals published by Wiley will have  a "Cited by" tab when looking at the article information.



Keep track of your different searches - where and what terms.  Did it work or not?

Scientific name or common name of your species
Geographic location of your species
Taxonomy of your species - especially Order, Family (or sub family), Genus (or subgenus)
Climat* Change (search tip to get climate or climactic change)
Habitat - destruction, conservation, distribution
(Threatened or endangered)  (search tip to get results for either term without searching separately)
Ecological Profile
Extinction risk
Data deficiency
Rapid assessment, Rapid biodiversity survey
Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs)
"South Pacific"
"Southeast Asia"

Look for Resources, Research or Publications on organization or government sites. (,,

Search for Institutional Repositories at colleges and universities in the area of your research.

IUCN Citation Style

The guide covers almost all types of sources.  The "Citations of material from electronic and other sources" section on page 47 roughly addresses webpages, and personal communications.

A fact sheet or short bulletin on a specific topic, that is not part of a journal should be treated as a book and cited as such.
McCullough, D.G. (2005). Asian Longhorned Beetle: An Exotic Pest That We Don't Want in Michigan. Extension Bulletin E-2693. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Extension.

Interviews or other personal communications can be cited as follows:
Last name, Initials of person interviewed. (Year of interview) ‘Title of the interview (if any)’. Interview by Interviewer’s First name Last name [virtual medium if appropriate], Day Month of interview.  
O'Nally, S.. (2020) ‘Working from home experiences’. Interview by Sorcha Mulryan [personal email communication], 6 June.
The virtual medium could also be Skype, Zoom, or even Phone.

Connected Papers

Enter the doi or title of a paper to get a "graph" of papers related to it (the origin paper).

It's a "visual understanding of the trends, popular works and dynamics of the field you're interested in." Papers are arranged by similarity "based on the concepts of Co-citation and Bibliographic Coupling" with data coming from Semantic Scholar.

Tips for reading the graph:
Each node is an academic paper related to the origin paper.

  • Papers are arranged according to their similarity (this is not a citation tree)
  • Node size is the number of citations
  • Node color is the publishing year
  • Similar papers have strong connecting lines and cluster together

When you click on a node, you can see the article information on the right hand side.  There are links to Semantic Scholar, the article publisher, and Google Scholar to lead to full text and a link to build a graph based on that paper as an origin paper.

The PRIOR WORKS button will show a list of papers that were "most commonly cited by the papers in the graph. This usually means that they are important seminal works for this field and it could be a good idea to get familiar with them."

The DERIVATIVE WORKS button will show a list of papers that "cited many of the papers in the graph. This usually means that they are either surveys of the field or recent relevant works which were inspired by many papers in the graph."  AKA Cited Bys

The "snow" toggle is only to be festive for winter.

Another to try? LitMaps

Trible Library provides links to other websites to aid in research and is not responsible for the content or privacy policy of those sites.