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Researcher Profiles, Identifiers, and Social Networks: Semantic Scholar

Tips on how to promote your research and profile as a researcher.

What is a Semantic Scholar Author Page?

Semantic Scholar is a free and open access database, supported by the Allen Institute for AI, a non-profit research institute. Launched in 2015, it is growing in popularity among student researchers, particularly in the scientific fields, as results in Google searches often lead to the site.

Why do I have a Semantic Scholar Author Page?

Semantic Scholar automatically creates author pages based on data aggregated from public sources and their publisher partners.  At least 225 CNU faculty have author pages, most unclaimed.

In addition to listing your publications it finds, Semantic Scholar:

  • Assigns a field of research
  • Calculates citations counts and H-index
  • Identifies Highly Influential Citations
  • Links to a paper or the publishers website



Why you should claim and correct your Semantic Scholar Author Page

Author pages are created from data sourced from publisher partnerships and public sources.  While the A.I. used by the non-profit to create Semantic Scholar as a research database is helpful for finding papers, unclaimed author pages can lead searchers to incorrect information.

For example, Christopher Newport University is listed as the author of 4 publications, as seen below.

By claiming your page you can:

  • Update your name to be displayed on the page
  • Add Affiliation(s)
  • Add Homepage
  • Add ORCiD
  • Add papers to your author page
  • Remove papers from your author page

This will ensure that your:

  • Publications are easy to find,
  • List of publications is complete and only contains your research.
  • Citation metrics are based on the correct publications.

To submit corrections to your author page, visit your author page settings in your account or Research Dashboard.


Checking Your Semantic Scholar Author Page

If you are concerned by what this A.I. technology is putting together as your research page, take a minute to check out your Semantic Scholar author page.  Then you can make the choice to either claim and correct it, or just let it remain.

Key steps are listed below, for detailed guidance visit the Semantic Scholar FAQ page.

Find your page:

Search for your name in the search bar and then select your name in the results. Or, search by a paper's title and then click your hyperlinked name in the author list.

Claim your page:

On your author page, select Claim Author Page below your name in the left panel. You will need to provide supporting information to help  moderate your claim, such as email, full name, field of study, affiliation, ORCID, etc. Once your claim is approved, you will receive a confirmation email.

Submit Corrections

When signed in to your account, go to the author page settings by selecting Edit Author Page on your claimed author page or by selecting Edit Author Page from your author page panel on your ResearchDashboard. You will be directed to a page where you can:

  • Update the name displayed on your page, add your affiliation(s), add your ORCiD.
  • Remove papers that you did not author. 
  • Add papers that are missing from your author page. 


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