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Researcher Profiles, Identifiers, and Social Networks: ORCID

Tips on how to promote your research and profile as a researcher.

What is an ORCID?

ORCiD logo

What is ORCID and how will it benefit me?

ORCID = Open Researcher and Contributor ID

An ORCID ID is a unique, persistent identifier for researchers and an associated profile page which can include your: list of publications, employment history, research interests and links to other profiles.

It allows research activities to be accurately attached to individuals over time, between institutions, and across multiple information systems. For more details visit: ORCiD for Researchers.

What it is not:
ORCiD does not track citations and your ORCID profile will not include citation counts.


Why should I get one?

Having an ORCiD ID allows you to better manage your research profile and keep it up-to-date. In addition, publishers, funders, and other organizations are increasingly using ORCiD in their manuscript submission and grant application procedures. 

It is currently required by PLoS, IEEE, Wiley, ACS, Sage, Science, and more.

Other reasons: Name flexibility, customizable visibility, portable profile data, and the ability to link to your Watermark profile.

You can search ORCiD to see the variety of information provided by different researchers.

How Do I Get an ORCID ID?

Registering for your ORCID iD takes less than a minute at

Minimum information to include:

  • Full Name
  • Institutional affiliation(s)

Step by step guide to register your ORCID iD


  • Be SURE to include your Full Name - You can also include name variations
    • Example: Smith, Jane; Smith, J.; Smith, J. B.; Smith-Brown, J. B.
  • Add your Institutional Affiliation(s)
    • Christopher Newport University (CNU is Research Organization Registry #00m4rwq02)
  • Check that the privacy settings are set the way you would like. See the ORCID Visibility Settings for more details.
  • The purpose is to uniquely identify YOU, so add as much other information as you like
    • Example: Education, Work experience, Presentations, Publications, Grants
  • Once you register your ORCID, include it when submitting publications, proposals, grants, etc.
    • A growing number of submission systems will automatically add the citation to your ORCID upon acceptance and publication

Import ORCID Publications to Watermark - Faculty Success

  • Login to Watermark - Faculty Success
  • Under the Activities tab and below Scholarly / Creative Activities select the Publications screen.
  • From the Publications screen, select the Import button.

Digital Measures Publications screenshot

  • From the Import from Third Party section, choose ORCID.
  • Choose "Create or Connect Your ORCID iD".

Import from a Third Party screenshot

  • Register or sign in via ORCID.

Sign in with ORCiD ID screenshot

  • Complete the authorization process. We do this to ensure that you approve the connection to your ORCID iD and that the Faculty Qualifications System is connecting to your ORCID iD securely.

ORCID ID verification screenshot

  • Once you've connected your ORCID iD you will see the confirmation of that right in the Import Publications screen and you can select Search ORCID.

  • You will then be shown a list of publications associated with your ORCID iD. Note that the Faculty Qualifications System will only import records marked as "public" or "trusted-party" in ORCID. Any records marked as "only me" cannot be imported. 
  • If any possible duplicates are found, they will be presented to you for review. 
  • For each item, you'll select Skip or Import, and when finished select Continue
  • You'll be shown an option to link names of collaborators to user accounts in the Faculty Qualifications System.
  • Finally, you'll see the Review Publications and Import screen and if everything looks good, click Finish Import. The records are loaded into the Faculty Qualifications System immediately and you'll see a confirmation.

For more information, see this Step-by-Step Tutorial.


Use Your ORCID iD

Adding Publications to your ORCID

Use the wizards to import work information from another system by clicking "Search & link" and selecting from the available systems (such as PubMed Central, Scopus, and Crossref).

Using the Search & link wizard has the added advantage of letting you establish these organizations as Trusted Parties. You can then authorize them to automatically update your ORCID profile with information about new publications in the future, thus making it easier to keep your publications list up-to-date.

For more info, see this Tutorial on Importing Works.

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