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Student Services: Finding Fiction

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Fiction in Trible Library

YES! We do have fiction!

  • You may have noticed that the library doesn't have a fiction section like public libraries. Most academic libraries don't have one.
  • We do have works of fiction and not just the classic works of literature from authors such as Dickens, Shakespeare and Twain.
  • Fiction is shelved according to the author's country of origin and time period with literary criticisms and translations shelved with the novels. This is quite handy if you are doing research since everything is together!
  • You can use the online catalog to search for fiction, just as you do for non-fiction. Search by keyword, author, or title or try using fiction as a subject (note: this will also provide you with books about fiction and not just fictional works)
  • We also have a small collection of popular current fiction and non-fiction located on the Browsing Shelves near the main circulation desk. (DSU entrance)

person carrying books

Where can I browse for fiction books?

Are you just looking for something to read? Not sure what book or author?

Try browsing these call number areas.



  • PR English (England, Canada, Australia, etc.)
  • PS American


  • PA Greek & Latin
  • PG Russian
  • PJ Oriental (Arabic, Hebrew)
  • PK Indian
  • PL Eastern Asia (China, Japan, Korea, etc.), Africa, & Oceania
  • PN Literature in general
  • PQ French, Italian, Spanish & Portuguese
  • PT German, Dutch, Flemish, Scandinavian, Swedish, Norwegian & Icelandic
  • PZ Juvenile (typically shelved in the Juvenile section of Trible Library)

Catalog Search

Search for fiction: by keyword, author, or title or try using fiction as a subject


Trible Library provides links to other websites to aid in research and is not responsible for the content or privacy policy of those sites.