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CNU Faculty Publications: 2020-2029

Platinum Rules for Enjoying Life
The Velveteen Rabbit At 100
Shipwrecked: A True Civil War Story of Mutinies, Jailbreaks, Blockade-running, and the Slave Trade
Heaven Has Eyes: Law and Justice in Chinese History
Glocalization and the Development of a Hybrid Leadership Model
Women of the Transcendentalist Club
Common Sense and Science from Aristotle to Reid
Table Lands: : Food in Children's Literature
Direct, Digital and Data-Driven Marketing
Louis Sébastien Mercier
From Chu Lai to Saigon: : The Vietnam Journey of Brig. Gen. Wallace L. Clement
How America Was Tricked on Tax Policy: Secrets and Undisclosed Practices
Leadership Across Boundaries: A Passage to Aporia
This Way Back
To Address You as My Friend : African Americans' Letters to Abraham Lincoln
Material Insurgency : Towards a Distributed Environmental Politics
My Work Among the Freedmen: The Civil War and Reconstruction Letters of Harriet M. Buss
Selling and Sales Management: Developing Skills for Success
Gender, Power, and Non-Governance
Persuasion in Society
Writers, Editors and Exemplars in Medieval English Texts
Executive Skills and Reading Comprehension Second Edition A Guide for Educators
A House Built by Slaves
Resurrecting Jane de la Vaudère
Fifty Key Figures in LatinX and Latin American Theatre
Intersexion: A Story of Faith, Identity, and Authenticity
Reading Instruction That Works: The Case for Balanced Teaching
The Art of Translation in Light of Bakhtin's Re-Accentuation
American Camino: Walking as Spiritual Practice on the Appalachian Trail
Carceral Liberalism
Virtuous and Vicious Expressions of Partiality
Greek Translations of Roman Gods
Lessons of the pandemic : disruption, innovation, and what schools need to move forward
Drugging France : Mind-Altering Medicine in the Long Nineteenth Century
Guardians of Discourse: Journalism and Literature in Porfirian Mexico
Final Resting Places: Reflections on the Meaning of Civil War Graves
Bhagavad Gita Concordance
The Environmental Gaze: Reading Sartre through Guido van Helten's No Exit Murals
Posthumous Editing of a Great Master's Work
Multireligious Reflections on Friendship: Becoming Ourselves in Community
SS United States: An Operational Guide to America's Flagship
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Religion and Peace
Beyond All Boundaries: Anatolia in the First Millennium BC
Inspiring Primary Curriculum Design
Political Theory on Death and Dying: Key Thinkers
'Comment Fonder la Morale du Peuple? Traité d'éducation Pour l'avènement d'une Société Nouvelle'
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