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Student Services: Course Reserves

Find information on services available to CNU Students..


  • Materials your professor leaves with the library (books, articles, dvds, etc.)
  • You can use the boxes on the right to search by your professor's name or by your course name.
  • The materials are kept behind the Main Circulation Desk (DSU side.)

Professor's Name Search

Use this search to see if a specific professor left materials


Type as much or as little of the instructor name as you wish.

For example:

  • Santoro
  • Reimer
  • Puaca

Course Name Search

Use this search to see if a specific course has materials


Type as much or as little of the course name or course number as you wish.

For example:

  • FNAR 201
  • ENGL 123
  • Span
  • Psyc
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