U.S. National Archives
"In June of 1941, President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802, banning discriminatory employment practices by federal agencies and all unions and companies engaged in war-related work. The order also established the Fair Employment Practices Commission to enforce the new policy."
"... The collection includes: U.S. Department of Labor publications, trade union and labor history materials, labor leaders’ biographies, statistical abstracts and more."
"Gathered in one volume for the first time, the majority of these speeches will be new to most readers. The collection begins with King's lectures to unions in the 1960s and includes his addresses made during his Poor People's Campaign, culminating with his momentous "Mountaintop" speech..." Beacon Press
"A separate primary source section that includes 32 important treaties, key political speeches, and more relating to the American economy from the Articles of Confederation period through the Obama Administration"
A Documentary History and Analysis of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
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