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Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID

Example DOI Format: 10.1186/s13054-022-03913-5
Example PMID Format: 33792256
  • Got an article number? Access that article with search!
  • You might see it in a citation like the ones below or maybe someone just gives you the number and says read this article - now you can look it up and see if CNU has full text access!

 Kumar A, Avishay DM, Jones CR, Shaikh JD, Kaur R, Aljadah M, Kichloo A, Shiwalkar N, Keshavamurthy S. Sudden cardiac death: epidemiology, pathogenesis and management. Rev Cardiovasc Med. 2021 Mar 30;22(1):147-158.  PMID: 33792256.

Humaloja, J., Ashton, N.J. & Skrifvars, M.B. Brain Injury Biomarkers for Predicting Outcome After Cardiac Arrest. Crit Care 26, 81 (2022).

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Type the DOI or PMID number in the search box above

doi number typed in search box

Click the Find Article button (or hit enter)

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libkey access article screenshot with ability to access pdf or link to article

It didn't work!?

  • Never fear we may still have it, not all DOI and PMID numbers work with this system yet!
  • You can do it the old fashioned way by locating the journal title and finding it through Browzine.
  • Or if CNU doesn't have access - use Interlibrary Loan - We'll get it for you (CNU students, faculty and staff only)
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