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Libkey & Browzine: Browzine

Get to know the Libkey & Browzine tools for research
Search for journal titles
  • Browzine helps you find out what journals you can access
  • Browzine provides a clean standardized look for access for many journals
  • For journals not covered by the Browzine style, it will still provide access through the correct database or publisher site through Journal Finder
  • You can search for journal titles and browse by subject
  • It does not let you search for a particular article or search for topics or keywords of articles



Search for the title of the Journal (not the article)

Search for a journal title screenshot


Click on the journal you need

American Journal of Sociology results screen


Navigate to the year and issue you need.

This looks the same no matter the journal

and no matter the access platform!


Access the article, save the citation or share it!


Article citation screenshot with pdf link citation and share options below the tite

pdf iconUse the PDF icon to access it directly

link iconUse the link icon to access the website

graduation cap iconUse the grad cap to cite it


citation options zotero, mendeley, bibtex, refworks, endnote RIS, Citavi RIS, and Universal RIS options

Pick the option you want

Zotero, Mendley and RefWorks will take you to sign in for your account

other options are for downloading

share iconUse the share button get a link, email it

or share on social media

share icon options for Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Email or to copy the link

OR it might connect you with Primo

Primo New York Times Record

It didn't work!?

  • Never fear!
  • We may not have access at CNU
  • Use Interlibrary Loan - We'll get it for you (CNU students, faculty and staff only)
Trible Library provides links to other websites to aid in research and is not responsible for the content or privacy policy of those sites.