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Getting Started Guide: Film Reviews & Criticisms: Home

finding film reviews and criticisms

internet sources

Use to expand your research; be sure to evaluate!

keep in mind

  • You may need to look in more than one place.
  • The older the film is, the more likely you will need to consult the print resources for reviews.
  • You may also find it helpful to search for things like a director's name, an actor's name, or a genre of films.
  • A broad topic such as Motion Pictures or Film may also be helpful depending on the type of article(s) you need.

ask for help

the more you know...

  • Know the date the film came out
  • This will help you select places to search
  • Know what you are looking for a review or a criticism


  • Provide opinions on the creativity, entertainment, social and cultural value of a film
  • Designed to let a viewer know if the film is worth their time
  • Usually fairly short, although in some cases they may be longer
  • Are generally found in popular magazines, newspapers and websites
  • Generally do not reflect on things like the film's place in a director's body of work or on specific aspects of the film such as lighting, music, and casting choices

Criticism/Critical Analysis

  • Are more scholarly in nature
  • Are more lengthy
  • Discuss films in a broad context, such as the political, social, historical, or cultural significance of the film
  • May compare films from the same director or within a particular genre
  • May discuss the film in relation to the director's, actor's or script writer's body of work rather than as a single film
  • May focus on specific aspects of the creation of the film including things such as lighting, music and casting choices
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