It is an article that:
Why use them?
For Example:
Stirring a Secret Sauce: A Literature Review on the Conditions and Effects of Authentic Learning
Nachtigall, Valentina ; Shaffer, David Williamson ; Rummel, Nikol .
Educational Psychology Review ; Vol. 34, Iss. 3, (Sep 2022): 1479-1516.
As you can see in this snippet from the abstract it also indicates that it is a literature review
"The present conceptual literature review analyzes 50 studies that systematically examined the effects of authentic learning settings on cognitive or motivational learning outcomes."
Additionally when you view the pdf of this article in indicates it is a review article at the top of the first page.
Below are some of the library databases that can aid you in limiting your research, depending on your area of study.
Some terms to try include: (yes put the quotes around it to keep the words together)
"literature review" or "review article" or "review of literature"
For example if you wanted to find literature reviews about social media, searches you could try include:
Search: "social media" AND "literature review"
Example article:
Mahl D, Schäfer MS, Zeng J. New Media & Society. 2023; 25(7):1781-1801
Search: "social media" AND "review article"
Example article:
The Use of Social Media and Wikis in Teaching Writing Skills: A Review Article.
Haidari, M..; KatawazaiI, R.; Yusof, S. M. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies. v. 14, n. 16, p. 168–179, 2020.