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Ross Mackenzie Collection: Home

LibGuide featuring the Fall 2018 donation of 3,500 books to the Trible Library by Ross Mackenzie, former Editorial Editor for the Richmond News Leader and the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

This LibGuide features the Ross Mackenzie Collection, named after and donated by the longest-serving Editorial Page editor in the history of Richmond newspapers on November 11, 2018. The collection is located in Room 1218 on the first floor of the library near the East entrance.

All documents featured in this guide (i.e. articles and bibliography) were supplied by Ross Mackenzie himself.

Click the plate below to browse the Trible Library's catalog listing of the complete Mackenzie Collection.

Click below for the Named Collections Map

1st Floor, The Paul and Rosemary Trible Library (East)

Bibliography Statement

The contents of the library given to Christopher Newport by Ross Mackenzie are contained in the pdfs below: the original 200-page bibliography, three lists of subsequently donated books marked Attachments A, B, and C, and two additional bibliographies of books recommended for purchase by the Trible Library marked Attachments D and E. To access the original bibliography and any of the five attachments, click the desired pdf.

Original Mackenzie Library Bibliography


Bibliographies of Additional Donated Books

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Books Recommended for Purchase by CNU


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