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Business Research: Ratios

A guide for business research, including information about: industry research, company research, company profiles, NAICS, financials, ratios, business news, trade journals, academic journals, market data, competitor information, and SWOT analyses.

Finding Company Finanical Ratios (select a tab)

1. Type the name of the company in the search box

2. In the result list find the Company Profile

3. Find the Ratios section; click All Ratios to view more

1. Click on Companies/Markets (outlined in purple)

companies/markets tab

2. Click on  Company (outlined in purple)

select company

3. Search for the company

search for company

4. Select the company from the results list

5. Click on the Financial Results link (outlined in purple)

select financial results

6. From the drop down menu select the choice Key Ratios

select Key Ratios

1. Search for the company


search for company



2. Click on the Company Financials tab (underneath the blue section of the company's information)

3. Click Ratios (just below the tabs)

4. Use the drop down box to select a time period

5. Then click the Refresh button

6. You can download the results to Excel by clicking on the Download link next to the My Mergent Tools box

company financials tab

Finding Industry Ratios (select a tab)

1. From the start page go to Companies/Markets in the top line (outlined in purple)

select companies/markets tab

2. Choose Industry (outlined in purple)

select industry

3. Select an industry from the alphabetical list

4. Scroll down the screen to the Industry Averages and Ratios section of the report

industry averages and ratios section


1. On the main screen search for a company that is in the industry your are researching (outlined in purple)

search for company

2. On the company report page choose the Competitors tab (outlined in purple)

select competitors tab

3. Add or remove competitors from the list as needed (or use the list as is)

4. Click the Add All to Company Analysis List link (outlined in purple)


add to company analysis list

5. Click the Company Analysis List link (outlined in purple)

click company analysis list

6. Click the Company Comparison Report link at the top of the page (outlined in purple)

click company comparison report

7. On the Comparison Reporting Selection Screen choose the companies you want to use  in section 1 (outlined in purple) and choose the ratios you want to use in section 2 (outlined in blue) using the arrows to move items between the boxes as needed

8. Check the box labeled Include Average and select the year(s) for the report (outlined in red)

9. Select the report format from the drop down box; then click the Creat Report button (outlined in green)


comparison reporting selection screen


10. On the report look at the Peer Average (outlined in pink) at the top of the column for each ratio - this is the industry average based on the companies you chose to compare

peer averages

1. Search for the company


company search


2. Select the company from the list

3. Click on the Report Builder tab (underneath the blue section of the company's information)

4. Click Comparison Reports (outlined in purple)

report builder tab

5. Select from the available choices in each section

6. check the Include Average box and coose years (outlined in purple)

7. Select a format from the drop down box and click the Creat Report button (outlined in green)

comparison selection screen















10. On the report look at the Peer Average (outlined in pink) at the top of the column for each ratio - this is the industry average based on the peer group you chose

peer averages



Available in the library (click here)

What it Contains

  • 50 comparative performance indicators
  • Covers all of North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) using NAICS data
  • Financial information is calculated and derived from the latest available IRS data
  • Nearly 5 million U.S. and international companies are included
  • Performance data for 50 operating and financial factors in 199 industries
  • Data for each industry is divided into 13 categories based on company size
  • Competitive norms in actual dollar amounts for revenue and capital factors, such as net receivables, net property, inventories, total assets, portfolio income, and more
  • Important average operating costs in percent of net sales, including cost of operations, pensions and benefits, interest, and more
  • Ratios for industry-wide results for inventory turnover, current assets to working capital, quick ratio, asset turnover, and others
  • Critical financial factors in percentages, including debt ratio, return on assets, and return on equity, and profit margin.

Things to Know

  • Organized by the NAICS
  • Don’t Know the Code?
North American Industry Classification System : United States (REF HF1042 .N68 2002a )
NAICS Desk Reference (REF HF1041.5 .N35 2000)

Reason you may not find the data you are looking for

if the IRS has suppressed underlying data, sample size, or other reasons affecting a calculated result(s)

Available in the library (click here)

What it Contains

  • Public and private companies in over 800 lines of business
  • Key financial ratios on more than one million businesses
  • 14 key ratios provide important information about industry performance with respect to solvency, efficiency and, profitability
  • One-year “typical” balance sheet and income statement returns

Things to Know

  • Organized by SIC code
  • Don’t Know the Code?
  • Try using the Appendix – SIC Numbers Appearing in this Directory, located in the back of the book or
  • Try using the website or
  • Look at the following reference book:

Standard Industrial Classification Manual (REF HF1041 .U613 1987)

Available in the library (click here)

What it Contains

  • Financial ratio benchmarks derived directly from more than 244,000 statements of financial institution borrowers and prospects.
  • Covers more than 750 Industries (NAICS codes)
  • Nineteen classic financial statement ratios

Things to Know

  • Divided into 20 sections outlining major lines of businesses
  • Organized by the NAICS (use the NAICS Codes Appearing in the Statement Studies table to find the page numbers)
  • Don’t Know the Code?
    • Try browsing the Description of Industries Included in the Statement Studies after the NAICS table or
    • Try using the Index to look for the industry by keyword or
    • Try using the website or
    • Look at the following reference books:
North American Industry Classification System : United States (REF HF1042 .N68 2002a )
NAICS Desk Reference (REF HF1041.5 .N35 2000)

Reasons you may not find the Industry you are looking for 

(you know your industry code, but it is not in the book )

  • The sample size was too small
  • There were significant questions concerning the data
  • Did not have the data

Don’t recognize a term used in the book? Use the RMA’s Credit & Lending Dictionary in the back of the book after the index

Comparing Ratios: Company to Company (select a tab)

1. Type the name of the company in the search box

2. In the result list find the Company Profile

3. Click All Ratios

4. Use the Compare with Company search box

1. On the main screen search for a company (outlined in purple)

search for company

2. On the company report page choose the Competitors tab (outlined in purple)

choose competitors tab

3. Add or remove competitors from the list as needed (or use the list as is)

4. Click the Add All to Company Analysis List link (outlined in purple)


add to company analysis

5. Click the Company Analysis List link (outlined in purple)

click company anlysis list

6. Click the Company Comparison Report link at the top of the page (outlined in purple)

click company comparison link

7. On the Comparison Reporting Selection Screen choose the companies you want to use  in section 1 (outlined in purple) and choose the ratios you want to use in section 2 (outlined in blue) using the arrows to move items between the boxes as needed

8. Select the year(s) for the report (outlined in red)

9. Select the report format from the drop down box; then click the Creat Report button (outlined in green)


comparison reporting selection screen



Compare Company to Industry (select a tab)

1. Click on Companies/Markets (outlined in purple)

companies/markets tab

2. Click on  Company (outlined in purple)

select company

3. Search for the company

search for company

4. Select the company from the results list

5. Click on the Reports link (outlined in purple)

select reports link

6. From the drop down menu select the choice Ratio Comparison Report

select ratio comparison report

7. Choose the report format (HTML or PDF) and click the View Report button

1. On the main screen search for a company that is in the industry your are researching (outlined in purple)

search for company

2. On the company report page choose the Competitors tab (outlined in purple)

select competitors tab

3. Add or remove competitors from the list as needed (or use the list as is)

4. Click the Add All to Company Analysis List link (outlined in purple)


add to company analysis list

5. Click the Company Analysis List link (outlined in purple)

click company analysis list link

6. Click the Company Comparison Report link at the top of the page (outlined in purple)

click company comparison link

7. On the Comparison Reporting Selection Screen choose the companies you want to use  in section 1 (outlined in purple) and choose the ratios you want to use in section 2 (outlined in blue) using the arrows to move items between the boxes as needed

8. Check the box labeled Include Average and select the year(s) for the report (outlined in red)

9. Select the report format from the drop down box; then click the Creat Report button (outlined in green)


comparison reporting selection screen


10. On the report look at the Peer Average (outlined in pink) at the top of the column for each ratio - this is the industry average based on the companies you chose to compare

peer group

1. Search for the company


company search


2. Select the company from the list

3. Click on the Report Builder tab (underneath the blue section of the company's information)

4. Click Comparison Reports (outlined in purple)

report builder tab

5. Select from the available choices in each section

6. check the Include Average box and choose years (outlined in purple)

7. Select a format from the drop down box and click the Create Report button (outlined in green)

comparison selection screen















8.  On the report look at the Peer Average (outlined in pink) at the top of the column for each ratio - this is the industry average based on the peer group you chose

peer group average



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