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BIOL 212L - Principles of Biology II Laboratory: Citation Style

Spring 2023 - all sections

Understanding Citations

Can you tell from a citation if an item is a book or a journals?  The guide below gives you clues.

Ecology Citation Style

Sample citations using the Ecology citation style are below:

Journal article:

Author 1 last name, First initial. Second initial., and Author 2 First initial. Second initial., last name. Year. Title of article. Title of Journal Volume of Journal: Pages of article.

Example:  Carbone, C., and J. L. Gittleman. 2002. A common rule for the scaling of carnivore density. Science 295:2273–2276.

Journal article with multiple (>2) authors:

Author 1 last name, First initial. Second initial., Author 2 First initial. Second initial. last name, Author 3 First initial. Second initial. last name, Author 4 First initial. Second initial. last name, Author 5 First initial. Second initial., last name, and Author 6 First initial. Second initial. last name. Year. Title of article. Title of Journal Volume of Journal: Pages of article.

Example: Pelini, S. L., F. P. Bowles, A. M. Ellison, N. J. Gotelli, N. J. Sanders, and R. R. Dunn. 2011. Heating up the forest: open-top chamber warming manipulation of anthropod communities at Harvard and Duke Forests. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2:534-540.

Chapter in a book

Author 1 last name, First initial. Second initial., Author 2 First initial. Second initial. Last name, and Author 3 First initial. Second initial.  Last name.  Date.  Chapter title.  Pages in First initial. Second initial. Last name and First initial. Second initial. Last name.  Book title.  Publisher name, City of publication, State of publication, Country of publication.

Example:  Abrams, P. A., B. A. Menge, and G. G. Mittelbach.  1995.  The role of indirect effects in food webs.  Pages 371-395 in G. Polis and K. O. Winemiller, editors.  Food webs: integration of patterns and dynamics.  Chapman and Hall, New York, New York, USA.


Author 1 Last name, First initial. Second initial., Author 2 First initial. Second initial. Last name, and Author 3 First initial. Second initial. Last name.  Date.  Book title.  Publisher, City of publication, State of publication, Country of publication.

Example:  Drake, J. A., F. DiCastri, and R. H. Groves.  1989.  Biological invasions: a global perspectives.  Wiley, New York, New York, USA.


Citation Machine-Ecology can put your citation into the Ecology citation style.  But before you submit your paper, check to be sure it follows the correct format.

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