Creating with iMovie
O'Reilly Technical Books for iMovie
The iMovie workspace is divided into three panes: the Project pane, the Viewer, and the Event pane.
The Event Library, found on the left side of the Event pane, is where iMovie organizes all imported and captured video. Events cannot be edited in iMovie. Rather, you edit videos by adding videos from the Event Library to projects in the Project pane.
Event and Project footage can be previewed in the Viewer by hovering the playhead (the vertical red line connected to your cursor) and pressing the spacebar on your keyboard to start and stop playback.
The J, K andn L keys can be used for play backwards, play normal and play fastforward respectively.
The I and O keys are used for selecting the "in" and "out" of your raw footage.
The arrow keys will nudge your frames forward or backwards with the left and right arrows. The up arrow goes the the start of your clip while the down arrow goes to the end of your clip.
Northwestern University iMovie Page
iMovie files are contained in the Movies folder. Accessing the content though is a bit tricky. Right-click on the iMovie library icon and select Show Package Contents. These folders contain projects, edits and original footage.
Downloading Web Content (YouTube and More)
Apple's iMovie is the easiest way to edit film. Select, move around and arrange clips with music, voice overs and sound effects. Light years better than Windows Live Movie Maker! The Media Center specializes in this program and can provide help when needed.