"Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. Google Scholar helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research." https://scholar.google.com/intl/en/scholar/about.html
IMDB claims to be "the biggest, best, most award-winning movie site on the planet." Users have a number of search options or can browse to locate films. The site provides information on the films, user comments, trivia, soundtrack information, and more. In addition to user reviews of the film clicking on External Reviews provides links to reviews from newspapers, magazines, online film sites and reviewers.
PubMed® comprises more than 32 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
These items are search engines and databases designed for a specific subject area or for searching a specific type of item. These are more narrow in focus than search engines like Google and Yahoo! and should provide more focused results.
From the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Post-secondary Education this database lists over 6,000 post-secondary institutions and programs. Each of these are "accredited by an accrediting agency or state approval agency recognized by the U.S. The database does not include a number of post-secondary educational institutions and programs that elect not to seek accreditation but nevertheless may provide a quality post-secondary education.The U.S. Department of Education recommends that the database be used as one source of qualitative information and that additional sources of qualitative information be consulted." A number of search options are provided.
A resource for researching foreign aid and international development, this free database is "the world's largest database of individual foreign aid projects, accompanied by a variety of innovative software applications to analyze these data, and a blog for discussion of international development."
Provides access to information on amphibian biology and conservation. Search or browse the database. Searching by country is also available. Many entries include photos.
"Animal Diversity Web (ADW) is an online database of animal natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology at the University of Michigan"
Designed to provide access to some of the information in the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. The system gives online access to nearly 50 million historic electronic records from over 20 federal agencies. It is recommended that first time users consult the Getting Started page.
This site is hosted by Bird Studies Canada and is maintained by Denis Lepage. The database provides access to information about birds from all over the world. It includes taxonomy, a map of the location of the bird, access to the Google Image search for pictures and other information.
"... is an independent publishing house committed to providing immediate free access to peer-reviewed biomedical research."A quick search and advanced search feature are available or access journals by browsing.
The British Education Index supports the professional study of education by facilitating
the identification and use of specific reading matter and event-related information.
"Where an institution offers its theses Open Access (i.e. free at the point of use) there will be no charge for digitisation. Where an institution cannot offer Open Access, the first researcher to order the thesis will pay for the digitisation. This is expected to be rare."
Buros Index for TestsTest Reviews Online can be used to locate the volume your test is in.
Don't pay for it! We have the books in the library. Ask for help if you have trouble finding reviews or see https://cnu.libguides.com/gspsychology/tests for more information!
Note: The Library does not subscribe to the full-text version of the review database. However, users may consult the database and use it as an index to locate reviews in The Mental Measurements Yearbook and other Buros publications, many of which are available in the Reference section of the Library.
This online resource from NOAA provides "a library with thousands of datasheets containing response-related information and recommendations for hazardous materials that are commonly transported, used, or stored in the United States.
A reactivity prediction tool, which you can use to predict potential reactive hazards between chemicals. "
A scientific literature digital library and search engine that focuses primarily on the literature in computer and information science. CiteSeerx aims to improve the dissemination of scientific literature and to provide improvements in functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness, efficiency, and timeliness in the access of scientific and scholarly knowledge.
"The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System (CWSS) is a database containing information about the men who served in the Union and Confederate armies during the Civil War. Other information on the site includes histories of Union and Confederate regiments, links to descriptions of significant battles, and selected lists of prisoner-of-war records and cemetery records, which will be amended over time. The CWSS is a cooperative effort between the National Park Service and several public and private partners whose goal is to increase Americans' understanding of this decisive era in American history by making information about it widely accessible."
Congress.gov is the official website for U.S. federal legislative information. The site provides access to accurate, timely, and complete legislative information for Members of Congress, legislative agencies, and the public. It is presented by the Library of Congress (LOC) using data from the Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Office of the Secretary of the Senate, the Government Printing Office, Congressional Budget Office, and the LOC's Congressional Research Service.
"Doctoral Dissertations in Musicology (DDM) is an international database of bibliographic records for completed dissertations and new dissertation topics in the fields of musicology, music theory, and ethnomusicology, as well as in related musical, scientific, and humanistic disciplines."
"The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education, produces the world's premier database of journal and non-journal education literature." This free online database of scholarly education resources goes back to 1966 and includes approximately 107,000 full-text non-journal documents (1993-2004) available for free. The site also includes access to a thesaurus and free registration (registration is not required, but provides access to additional features.)
The ELDIS database, hosted by Institute of Development Studies in Sussex, was created as an information gateway for development issues. It has a variety of resources including summaries, links to online documents, a directory of websites, databases, library catalogs, country profiles, resource guides, and email discussion lists and news services. Quick access to resources is provided through the topically arrranged guides which cover subjects such as: ageing populations, education, conflict, poverty, etc. The site can also be searched.
This website from Information Please, provides helpful tools for kids. Includes an atlas, dictionary, almanac, and an encyclopedia. In addition the site has educational games and quizzes to help make learning fun, as well as other tools and resources to help with homework.
This website is provided by a consortium of the Public Libraries in the Commonwealth of Virginia. To access the databases available from this site, users must have a current Public Library Card from a Virginia Library. Databases cover a wide variety of topics - full text is available for many articles. Available resources are subject to change.
Search over 30 journals from leading earth science societies and institutes. A browsing feature is also available. Searching and viewing of the abstracts is available for free. CNU users can check our Journal Finder database for availability of full-text or request articles not available through ILL. Some sample articles are provided for free.
"The Gleeson Library Digital Collections hold digitized special collections materials from the Donohue Rare Book Room, electronic publications and other academic works by USF faculty and students, and digitized archival materials related to university and local history. New collections and items are regularly added to the site and will be featured here."
The Global Health Observatory (GHO) is WHO's portal providing access to data and analyses for monitoring the global health situation. It provides critical data and analyses for key health themes, as well as direct access to the full database. The GHO presents data from all WHO programmes and provides links to supporting information.
Archive of news older than 30 days. Some items may be free for articles requiring a fee, CNU Students, Faculty & Staff should check the Journal Finder Database to find articles available from CNU.
Articles not available from CNU can be requested via Interlibrary Loan
"Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. Google Scholar helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research." https://scholar.google.com/intl/en/scholar/about.html
A national database providing information on nonprofit organizations. The GuideStarEZ database provides basic information for free (additional services are available for a fee.) In addition the site provides access to the GuideStar Newsletter and news releases.
A bibliographic database on Latin America consisting of works selected and annotated by scholars. Edited by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress and is updated weekly.
A site from the National Center for Education Statistics. IPEDS is "a single, comprehensive system that encompasses all identified institutions whose primary purpose is to provide postsecondary education." The site provides access to surveys, publications and data collected. Also includes a glossary of terms.
The ITIS was created through a cooperative partnerships of "U.S., Canadian, and Mexican agencies (ITIS-North America); other organizations; and taxonomic specialists" to provide access to "authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world." Users can search the database by common name, scientific name, or taxonomic serial number.
An index to plays that provides information on which play collection a play can be found, such as in The Best plays of books. Check the online catalog to see if the collection is available in Trible Library; if it isn't CNU students, faculty and staff may use the Interlibrary Loan Service to request it.
"...offers a variety of demographic indicators for 224 countries and areas of the world. The IDB has provided access to demographic data for over 25 years to governments, academics, other organizations, and the public. It is funded by organizations that sponsor the research of the Census Bureau's International Programs Center."
"... provides records of productions from the beginnings of New York theatre until today. Details include pertinent people involved as well as interesting facts and production statistics." The database includes links to the show website when available. These sites sometimes provide links to reviews.
IMDB claims to be "the biggest, best, most award-winning movie site on the planet." Users have a number of search options or can browse to locate films. The site provides information on the films, user comments, trivia, soundtrack information, and more. In addition to user reviews of the film clicking on External Reviews provides links to reviews from newspapers, magazines, online film sites and reviewers.
"... provides a catalogue of shows produced Off-Broadway." The site's database includes links to the show website when available. These sites often provide reviews.
This site is from the National Center for Education Statistics. The database can help you find information about a specific school or find schools that will meet your criteria.
"The Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP), directed by Mitchell A. Seligson, initiated over two decades ago, is hosted by Vanderbilt University. Since the 1970s, Seligson, his along with partner institutions in the Americas, his colleagues and students have systematically surveyed the citizens of Latin America on their political views—specifically on democratic values and their behaviors related to democracy. "
Some items are available full-text for free; some items are in English.
This database from the National Center for Biotechnology Information provides access to taxonomy information. Users can search the database with a scientific name to locate information such as the common name, rank, synonyms, etc. "The NCBI taxonomy database is not an authoritative source for nomenclature or classification - please consult the relevant scientific literature for the most reliable information."
"The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) has developed and maintains a national database of marine and estuarine invasions of the continental U.S. and Alaska. This relational database compiles detailed information on approximately 500 different non-native species of plants, fish, invertebrates, protists and algae that have invaded our coastal waters. The database identifies which species have been reported, their current population status (i.e., whether established or not), as well as when, where, and how they invaded; it also summarizes key information on the biology, ecology, and known impacts of each invader. "
"This database is a catalog of human genes and genetic disorders authored and edited by Dr. Victor A. McKusick and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins and elsewhere, and developed for the World Wide Web by NCBI, the National Center for Biotechnology Information. The database contains textual information and references. NOTE: OMIM is intended for use primarily by physicians and other professionals concerned with genetic disorders, by genetics researchers, and by advanced students in science and medicine. While the OMIM database is open to the public, users seeking information about a personal medical or genetic condition are urged to consult with a qualified physician for diagnosis and for answers to personal questions." The site also provides links to other related resources.
"The purpose of the Open Video Project is to collect and make available a repository of digitized video content for the digital video, multimedia retrieval, digital library, and other research communities." Users can search for videos or browse by a number of categories: Genre, Duration, Color, Sound, or Collections. Information is provided about the video along with a link to download it. Videos may require browser plug-ins for viewing.
"Research results include journal articles/accepted manuscripts and related metadata; technical reports; scientific research datasets and collections; scientific software; patents; conference and workshop papers; books and theses; and multimedia. OSTI.GOV contains over 3 million records, including citations to 1.5 million journal articles, 1 million of which have digital object identifiers (DOIs) linking to full-text articles on publishers' websites. OSTI.GOV provides access to this DOE STI by offering numerous easy-to-use search capabilities and customization options; and for the DOE community, additional citation information is available to help researchers evaluate article impact and find related research."
"... is a non-governmental Internet-based project that provides reference materials, primary documents, comparative studies and statistical data for countries in the Western Hemisphere." Users can choose to access the database in English, French, Spanish, or Portuguese. Search the database by keyword or select a country to see the available information. Information can also be accessed by topics. Note: Some of the information is provided in the language of the country.
Searches scholarly literature in the field of theoretical and applied mathematics and statistics. Some full-text is provided free (open access). Consult with the CNU library staff about obtaining other materials.
PubMed® comprises more than 32 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
"RefSeek is a web search engine for students and researchers that aims to make academic information easily accessible to everyone. RefSeek searches more than five billion documents, including web pages, books, encyclopedias, journals, and newspapers." https://www.refseek.com/site/about
A bibliographic database for economics research. RePec stands for "Research Papers in Economics".
Runs on a server sponsored by the Society for Economic Dynamics and hosted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Connecticut.
"... is a freely accessible database, covering all disciplines of medieval sciences for the European language sphere... PLEASE NOTE: The RI-Opac is a tool for academic research and therefore does not provide any information on availability etc."
An Abstract Database containing abstracts on over 282,500 scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers and an Electronic Paper Collection currently containing over 231,900 downloadable full text documents in Adobe Acrobat pdf format; it also includes the research papers of a number of Fee Based Partner Publications.
"Thomas believes in the power of industry, and we are uniquely capable of helping to fuel its success. For 120 years we have served the needs of B2B buyers. In doing so, we support the industrial supplier that needs to reach, engage, and sell to them.
With the legacy of our Thomas Register at our back, today’s Thomas is a data, platform, and technology company that has become the leading resource for the industrial marketplace."
This database is from the Office of Trade and Industry Information, Manufacturing and Services, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. It provides access to annual trade data. Information can be located on a state or national level. Select the options you need from the available choices and the data will be retrieved.
The website provides information about the court including rules, contact information, fees, and an FAQ. Information is available for those interested in becoming a law clerk. Some online forms are available for download in .pdf format. An Opinions Search is available for TC and Memorandum Opinions starting 9/25/1995 and for Summary Opinions starting 1/01/2001.
"The numerous databases, tables and glossaries containing over 60 million data points cover a wide range of themes including Agriculture, Crime, Education, Employment, Energy, Environment, Health, HIV/AIDS, Human Development, Industry, Information and Communication Technology, National Accounts, Population, Refugees, Tourism, Trade, as well as the Millennium Development Goals indicators."Provided by the United Nations
"The United Nations Statistics Division is committed to the advancement of the global statistical system. We compile and disseminate global statistical information, develop standards and norms for statistical activities, and support countries' efforts to strengthen their national statistical systems. We facilitate the coordination of international statistical activities and support the functioning of the United Nations Statistical Commission as the apex entity of the global statistical system."
An online recruiting service for higher education institutions and other organizations. The site allows users to search job listings, post resumes, and access a Career Resource Center.
This site is the official website for locating jobs of the U.S. Government. In addition to job search features, the site also provides a Career Interests Center.