Digitized documents from the Wellcome Trust based in London. Wide ranging collection of historical documents on issues of medicine and health in Britain and elsewhere.
National Museum of Civil War Medicine
Primary sources, including curated bibliographies and searchable databases, relating to Civil War medicine.(2)
U.S. National Library of Medicine
Collection includes archives and personal papers of American medical practitioners, images, American medical publications, documents on cholera outbreaks, and medical documents from World War II, among other topics.
Medic@, Bibliothèque numérique
The digitized medical archives of the French Medical and Pharmacy Schools in Paris. An excellent resource for anything related to French medicine, it also contains links to numerous English language medical sources. (7)
Collection of digitized materials, particularly images, on pharmacy, anatomy, botany, midwifery, and other topics.
Elizabeth Blackwell Papers, 1836-1946
Archives of Elizabeth Blackwell (1821-1910) , the first woman to receive a medical degree in the US.(3)
A collection of pamphlets (1600s-1800s) depicting the details from lurid or scandalous trials. Many mention diseases, poisoning etc.(5)
"The stories of the places, the people, and the organizations that battled the American influenza epidemic of 1918-1919."
This is a collection of medical resources through the Internet Archive (archive.org) on a wide variety of topics. Displayed with images to facilitate browsing. (4)
A collection of primary source documents regarding the medical aspects, military and civilian, of World War I.(6)
Has thousands of digitized historical sources, some of which are on medical and health related topics. Advanced search enables you to select a date range.
Additional resources:
(1) Image link: https://www.influenzaarchive.org/cities/gallery.html
(2) Image link: https://www.civilwarmed.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/HD_CRebelLadyFL17May62.jpg
(3) Image link: https://nyheritage.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/sunyup01/id/1609/rec/7
(4) Image link: https://flic.kr/p/2haDpU1
(5) Image link: https://digital.library.cornell.edu/catalog/sat2716
(6) Image link: http://www.vlib.us/medical/ramc/ramc.htm
(7) Image link: https://www.biusante.parisdescartes.fr/histoire/medica/presentations/annee1904.php