"Robert S. McNamara Robert Strange McNamara (1916-2009) was appointed secretary of defense in 1960 by President John F. Kennedy. The FBI conducted a background checks or “special inquiries” on McNamara in 1960 and 1964. The file covers FBI investigations between 1960 and 1975. "
"This subject guide is meant to give the user a broad overview of the collections most relevant to Robert S. McNamara research. More collections may be available inside the Virtual Vietnam Archive. Click on the links to the moving images, photographs or oral histories to view the material through the subject guide. Clicking on a finding aid will send you to a document describing an entire collection with either a box or folder level listing of the collection's contents. The finding aid will give you a general idea of what is contained in the collection.
Many of our documents are scanned and available online. You can find the individual documents by searching the virtual archive using Robert McNamara in the Advanced Search module as a keyword"
McNamara On Vietnam, 1965
"McNamara points to Vietnam map, shows machine gun, shows photo of destroyed bridges, speaks that more North Vietnamese regular troops being sent into south, communists have lost 89,000 in last 4 years (partial newsreel)."
Book Sources: Robert McNamara
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Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara
"The story of American politics and military policies as seen through the eyes of the former Secretary of Defense, under President Kennedy and President Johnson, Robert S. McNamara. "
Major Policy Addresses of Robert S. McNamara, 1968-1981
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